Goodman Games
8 months ago

Project Update: Thanks for Thracia!

Hello backers!

THANKS for an amazing campaign! It is so gratifying to see the outpouring of support on Caverns of Thracia. Running this campaign was a very enjoyable month in and of itself. The community and camaraderie that developed on this project has been great. Of course, when we deliver the product itself, it's going to be even better!

Overtime mode lasted for more than 7 hours last night, and 300+ backers piled on at the last minute. It was awesome to see you all arrive. So, thank you to backers old and new! If you've been a backer for this campaign for less than 24 hours, you're still going to have a great time. Let's keep the momentum going over the coming months while we work to deliver the final books. (And if any of you are at Gen Con, stop by to say hi!)

Thanks To The Team

The livestream last night went for over 8 hours. Chris, Mike and Joseph lasted about 5 hours. Then Bob Brinkman made his Fort save and kept going for at least 3 more! Wow, Bob. Your love of Thracia and Jennell's works is evident. Special thanks also to our many guests over the course of the night - Scott, Mike Mearls, Molon the Chaos Lord (aka Mica aka DJ Foxy), the inimitable Joey Royale (whose jokes were worth the price of admission), Matt, Aldo, Brendan, The Cyclops (whose secret identify remains a mystery), Grimtooth (aka Thorin), Stefan Poag...and of course, our Twitch Mistress Alana, without whom none of this would have been possible. And a thanks to those who worked behind the scenes to make this project operationally successful: Brett, Jason, Jen and the CS team - and am I forgetting anyone? In case I forgot anyone - thanks in general to everyone who helped!

You can watch the livestream replay in all its glory here on our Twitch channel.

Stretch Goals from the Livestream

We gave out a lot of bonus monsters on that livestream. Um...did anyone write them all down?

I did! Whew! So here's my tally. Someone check and make sure this matches your records. We were all a little loopy by the end.

1. Sea Centaur
2. Lupin (wolf-like humanoids; Mike you can still go with a different name but that's what I wrote down!)
3. Three-headed chaos dragon (and I believe we said the heads would be Joey, Aldo and Matt...right?)
4. Catoblepas (with pronunciation guide)
5. Thracian boar
6. Onocentaur, aka the donkeytaur
7. Gegenees (nobody can actually pronounce this except for Chris)
8. Sea Goat (personally my highlight from the night...still makes me chuckle)
9. Arae
10. Caeles
11. Cetus
12. Giant Kri-kri
13. Giant Skink
14. Sea-clops (or was it C-clops?)
15. Ashoul
16. Sky-clops
17. Psy-clops

Did I miss any??

All of these will be in the stretch goal booklet, which are exclusive to you backers. Show all the kids at school and make them green with envy! I bet they'll wish they had backed this campaign!

Team Challenge

The team challenge was a lot of fun. Team 5E and Team DCC chased each other for the whole campaign, with Team DCC finally coming in the lead at 72% of questions answered correctly compared to Team 5E at 68%. Both respectable scores!

Caverns of Thracia has been such a great community of backers that we'd like to print everybody's name in the final product. Or at least in the stretch goal booklet - 5,231+ names is a lot of names to print. Remember in the olden days of Kickstarter when campaigns would do that?

We said the winning team would get something special. You'll all be recognized in print, with your names engraved in the hallowed halls of Caverns of Thracia for all future generations of readers to appreciate. And in this historical record, the winning team members will be identified as such - we'll include team affiliations in the printed list. The winning team will be given credit as the winners. Congrats!

Did We Forget Anything?

Probably! We all leave for Gen Con soon - many of us have to be there early in the week for setup. After that we'll be back in the saddle and catch up on anything else we forgot about. 

Thanks again everyone. It's been great fun and a great honor.

P.S. Attaching the final trivia question answers here. I just gotta ask...who actually selected Thelma and Louise? Identify yourself! You gave me a good laugh!

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