3 months ago

Project Update: Smoke test surveys out!

Hey all - ultimately, it appears that the 3" black hole pin was chosen. That means that the pin will be an additional $5 if you choose it as an option (several folks added it as an add-on as well; I will reach out to you all individually to verify if you'd like to swap add ons, or keep the black hole pin at the elevated price).

It was a close call, but for those who voted, most wanted the larger pin - I also want to do the design justice and ensure the translucent enamel makes it onto the final product!

With that decided, smoke test surveys have been sent. This means 5% of backers will receive surveys, and if there are any issues, then it will hopefully be caught and ironed out in this stage! So please, if you received a survey, fill it out ASAP!

As long as nothing major comes to light, then all surveys will be sent Wednesday!

I'll have more info for you all when those are sent out - until then, thank you for your patience and help in deciding on the black hole pin!
user avatar image for Holly




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