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The Voidwalkers - Campaign Exclusive - LIMITED: SIGNED & NUMBERED w/ SKETCH

Includes 6 items

  • ×1
    UVG Post Cards Reprint - Physical + Digital
  • ×1
    The Void Box - Campaign Exclusive - Physical + Digital
  • ×1
    SDM Codex 2: PANANTHROPY - Physical + Digital
  • ×1
    The Flying City Poster - Physical + Digital
  • ×1
    SDM Codex 3: BIOMANTICA - Digital Only

Physical items:

  • Signed, hand numbered bookplate with unique hand drawn sketch by Luka Rejec.
  • The Void Box - Voidwalker Campaign Exclusive Edition (physical) — somewhere to store your OGA books and dice and maps and penpers and pacils and ... oh, and the printed Ultraviolet Guide Book. Gold foil stamping on exterior.
  • Our Golden Age and the Mother Machine - Voidwalker Campaign Exclusive Edition (physical) — the setting and adventure book in hardpaper and trueglue, printed into glorious polychrome, bound in cloth with gold foil stamping, existence just for you! Includes UNLOCKED Circle Sea Travel Map inserted into book.
  • The Vastlands Guidebook - Voidwalker Campaign Exclusive Edition (physical) — the rules and options book in truepaper and hardglue, bound in cloth with teal foil stamping, printed into wonderful A4 solidity, laid out by the esteemed designer Gontijo just for your gaming pleasure!
  • Circle Sea Grand Map (physical) — an exclusive double-sided rigid folding map board of the Rainbow Lands by the Circle Sea. Play in the world as it is and as it pretends to be!
  • Tour Guide's Screen (physical) — rules and references to run the world, trouble the heroes, and hide the dice. Sized to fit together with the OGA book!
  • Yellow Nemesis Dice Set (physical) — wonderful and totally not decayed dice, a full polyhedral set marked for victory and glory! Also suitable for the UVG. Includes an extra d6 for reactions.

Digital only items:

  • Our Golden Age and the Mother Machine (digital) — the setting book in PDF.
  • Circle Sea Travel Map (digital) — hardcode version of the setting map in PDF.
  • Tour Guide's Screen (digital) — the polyelectric referee screen in PDF.

Also Included Free of Currency:

  • FREE The Vastlands Guidebook (digital) — the rules and options book for playing in Our Golden Age and the Ultraviolet Grasslands.

*Note, the Voidwalker versions are available as add-ons, but do NOT include the signed, numbered bookplate with the drawing which is only available in this limited tier. 

The so-called Gold Box IS actually golden...foil that is.
Note: the publisher is not responsible for tarnishing, discoloration, and decay the Gold Box may have suffered over the timelost aeons.
Admission: the qualifier “may have” is probably unnecessary in the previous sentence.

Includes all unlocked Achievements.

Shipping fees and taxes will be charged post campaign in the BackerKit Pledge Manager.

The Voidwalkers - Campaign Exclusive - LIMITED: SIGNED & NUMBERED w/ SKETCH


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