Mother Silicon's Hospitaller

  • ×1
    Our Golden Age and the Mother Machine - Digital Only
  • ×1
    The Vastlands Guidebook - Digital Only
  • ×1
    Tour Guide's Screen - Digital Only
  • ×1
    Vastlands Reference Cards - Digital Only
  • ×1
    Circle Sea Post Cards - Digital Only
  • ×1
    UVG Post Cards Reprint - Digital Only
  • ×1
    Nemesis Cards - Digital Only
  • ×1
    Ministry Cards - Digital Only
  • ×1
    Vastlands Travel Journal - Digital Only
  • ×1
    Ill-Nano Cards - Digital Only
  • ×1
    Jubilee Cards - Digital Only
  • ×1
    SDM Codex 2: PANANTHROPY - Digital Only
  • ×1
    Circle Sea Travel Map - Digital Only

Digital only items:

  • Our Golden Age and the Mother Machine (digital) — the setting book in PDF.
  • Circle Sea Travel Map (digital) — hardcode version of the setting map in PDF.
  • Tour Guide's Screen (digital) — the polyelectric referee screen in PDF.

Also Included Free of Currency:

  • FREE The Vastlands Guidebook (digital) — the rules and options book for playing in Our Golden Age and the Ultraviolet Grasslands.

Includes all unlocked Digital Achievements.

Mother Silicon's Hospitaller


404 Backers