Nora Haynes
4 months ago

Project Update: Physical Book Production Updates - When will you get your book?

Hi all! Nora again!

If you've been following the campaign from the beginning, then you know that this project went well above our expectations. To make sure we could get copies to everyone and that the book's quality would be to a high standard, we began working with Japanime Games as a publishing partner. This caused some delays in our shipping timeline already due to needing to get all of the administration done, but we worked hard to make up for that by improving the final product in a number of ways (such as colour cover art and higher quality paper). 

We had expected our printers to begin production up to two months ago; however, due to a mistake from someone in their team, they begun formatting the book for a 6x8" size instead of the A5 size the book was built to. It took us a bit to realize that the changes they were requesting were the result of this, and we only figured it out in the end because they had requested a redesign of almost every page in the book.

After talking it through, we received an apology from them, but this still meant further delays in how long it would take us to get our book in your hands. 

With that all said, with this whole debacle sorted out, we finally have a proper timeline from them.

Core Book Production Timeline

  • Nov 22: Soft Proofs Approved for bulk printing. 
  • Dec 10: Covers approved for binding
  • Dec 23: Advanced copies approved
  • Dec 30: Books arrive in ship yard
  • Jan 6: Books ready to ship across the world

From there, how long it takes to get into your hands depends on your region and any complexities within your local shipping processes. 

What if I need to Change my Address?

We needed to lock addresses in a few months back to ensure we had the data necessary for our publishing partners, but we understand that these delays may have lined up badly for people who have since moved. If you've moved or expect to move before the books ship out, you can contact me personally at [email protected]

I'll update your shipping information personally and make sure it goes to the right place. 


Thank you all so much for being understanding, and I hope you have a great week,
Nora Jean Haynes




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