Nicholas Ambrose
about 2 months ago

Project Update: Stretch Goal Number Five and Gen Con!

Hello all, Nicholas here today!

We've hit the $8000 stretch goal!! Gone right past it really, and headed towards the next one already. Thank you all! This means the entire team gets raises, which we're all very excited for.

The next stretch goal will double the length of the Book of Legend, giving all those who have purchased a copy much more to flip through and pull inspiration from. We're also, as Sylvan mentioned in the last update, starting to think of more stretch goals to aspire towards. Which is not something we thought we would have to do! So thank you all, again and again, for all of your support.

On to part two of this update, which is that I am going to be at Gen Con this following week! Come find me at the Indie Press Revolution booth, #241. I'd love to chat about Before the Flood, how your con is going, or anything else involving TTRPGs. We're going to have around 169 different games at the booth and I promise to know at least one thing about every one of them (not counting the title). 

Hope to see you there!
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