Latest from the Creator
Sylvan Lawrence
14 days ago
We're So Back
Hey folks, Sylvan here! After a much needed couple of weeks rest (and an additional waiting period for the funds to hit), the Clawhammer team is back at work and ready to rumbl...
Sylvan Lawrence
about 1 month ago
The Flood Washes Over Us All
Hey folks, Sylvan here. What a journey the past month has been. Nic, MC, Reese, Dominique, and I are absolutely thrilled that Before the Flood saw such a strong response, and w...
Nicholas Ambrose
about 1 month ago
One hour left!!
Hihi! Nicholas again. There's only one hour left and we're just under $500 away from the $14k stretch goal, which is incredible! That's over $1000 in pledges in the last 24 ho...
Nicholas Ambrose
about 1 month ago
The Flood is almost here 🌊
Hello all, Nicholas here! There's just a scant two and a bit hours left on the campaign, and we're only about $800 away from hitting 14k! I'm feeling pretty confident that we ...
Nicholas Ambrose
about 1 month ago
24 HOURS REMAINING (!!) and a potential guest writer announcement 👀
Hello all! Nicholas here, feeling (almost) fully recovered from GenCon and incredibly excited to see this project through it's final hours. As Sylvan said it was super cool get...
Sylvan Lawrence
about 1 month ago
Book of Legend Previews, Live Stream Dates, and More!
Hey folks, Sylvan here! We Hit Our $10,000 Stretch Goal (and a sneak peek of the Book of Legend)! Thanks to all of your incredible, sensational support, Before the Flood has no...
Sylvan Lawrence
14 days ago

Project Update: We're So Back

Hey folks, Sylvan here!

After a much needed couple of weeks rest (and an additional waiting period for the funds to hit), the Clawhammer team is back at work and ready to rumble. We met this past week to establish our finalized project timeline, so here's the agenda for today's update:
  • Tell you our production roadmap
  • Share some new art
  • Give you a small sneak peek at the game text itself

The Roadmap

First things first: the text of the game, as of this past Friday, is fully and completely drafted. From here on out, Nic and I are only going to touch it if Dominique tells us that we need to. Having that draft done is a huge step, and is in fact the biggest thing that we absolutely need to push the game to print.

Our goal is (and always has been) to start printing the zine on October 1st. Our text deadline was August 31st, which we handily hit, and the copy edit deadline is Sep. 8th, which Dominique is on track for. Art and layout are a little trickier, since there's more to do!

With our stretch goals, Reese is now committed to 8 large pieces and between 10 and 15 smaller pieces (or floaters). Here's an example of a large piece:
The Watchtower, an organic, sunflower-esque structure with an eyeball at the top, surrounded by textureless monoliths on all sides

And here's an example of a floater:
That Which Sits At the Peak of the World, a swing set on a hill overlooking a vast and varied landscape

As you can see, the large pieces are a lot flashier and more involved, while the floaters are designed to go anywhere. We're aiming to have all of the artwork done by Sep. 17th. So far, Reese has completed 7 of the 8 major pieces and 11 floaters. I don't know how she does it, but I sure as hell ain't complaining.

And that just leaves layout, which can't start until the artwork and text are done. MC, the legend that he is, says that he can do it in two weeks flat, so our estimated roadmap has layout finishing on October 1st, which is when we would get our print samples and tests done. That means that we will, barring any insane production issues, have the base game shipping to you by the end of October. That will include the standard zine, the foil edition, and the trifolds. We also will have the stickers and bookmarks ready for that order as well.

If you're someone who is waiting on the book of legend, the postcard set, the tarot and playing card, and the map template, fear not. I have not forgotten you, most loyal and brave backer! We wanted to prioritize getting the base game done first, so that we could start fulfillment sooner rather than later. The Book of Legend draft is already underway (we have around 10,000 words written), and I have started snooping around for guest writers for it... so stay tuned on that in a future update.

The postcards, playing card, map template, etc. will be coming as soon as possible. Once MC is done with layout, we'll be starting production on the secondary products. I don't have a solid date for you, but it would absolutely shock me if they weren't in the mail by the end of November. And that's a conservative estimate--I will be trying to get them to you sooner if at all possible. Thank you for your patience and understanding! We're going as fast as we can, while still maintaining the level of quality you have come to expect from me and from my team.

A Quick Little Sneak Peek

I promised you a bit of a game design blog. Well, nobody asked, but I still answered. This is for backers only... so read on!
Includes Backer-Exclusive Content




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So happy for you folks and can’t wait to see the results! Yay!!





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I'm bummed we didn't make it to the stretch goal, but we were close! Will Jay Dragon still join the team?





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Nicholas Ambrose
about 1 month ago

Project Update: One hour left!!

Hihi! Nicholas again.

There's only one hour left and we're just under $500 away from the $14k stretch goal, which is incredible! That's over $1000 in pledges in the last 24 hours. I do want to take a moment to say thank you, I know we've said this innumerable times throughout the campaign but seriously, this has been incredible and it's all because of you all.

Ok, rallying myself back up into hype mode.

I got a question over on my tumblr asking if the Book of Legend is going to be available as an add-on after the campaign is funded, and the answer is yes! You'll be able to add it on to your pledge in the pledge manager. However, it will not be available anywhere after the campaign has been fulfilled, in either physical or PDF form. This one is just for folks who have backed the campaign, and this is true of everything in the campaign except for the basic zine and mantle trifolds.

The Book of Legends campaign add on does include a PDF version of it as well.

So if you're interested in any of that stuff, back now! Even backing at $1 will give you access to the pledge manager after the campaign funding has ended.

Lastly, I was reminded that there is one very special item that's still available, so if you know anyone with a spare $400 and a hankering for hand-made tarot decks, feel free to point them towards That-Which-Sits-At-The-Highest-Peak-Of-The-World. It is truly one of a kind.

A windmill made of trees





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I'd love to get The Book of Legend in PDF only. I only do electronic versions for games, but there doesn't seem to be any way to add it without a physical book? Could that be an option? Even if it's post-campaign? Thanks! BAH Crocker





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