I have good news and maybe (?) bad news? Let's start with the 100% good stuff! The Pre-order store is now open. PLEASE remember, if you are a BACKER, do NOT buy anything via the pre-order store. You can use it window shop, if you want too, however! You'll be able to to add everything you want once the survey goes out~!
To reiterate!
Backers do NOT need to purchase through the pre-order store. Everyone else --> Yes! If you missed the campaign while it was going or just decided to wait, go check it out.
The pre-order store will be open until all of the samples are complete, and surveys close!
I have finally heard back from the manufacturer and they have said that creating a zipper in the hair will not be the best option. It will create an unappealing effect, and warp the shape of the head-- basically it will just look awkward. They also said they could only place the zipper to the side of the hair.
However, I had doodled up a couple other options that they said would work!
One of my kiddos friends at DnD recommended sprinkles on the brain haha, so I did it. I also see people recommending a more candy like brain, like marshmallows and such. I could make it gummy worm colored, too? Like a gummy brain? Maybe if it was any color other than pink?
I'll include another poll, but I guess at the end of the day, I will have to make the decision one way or another. I hope this might be a good middle ground, though!
To address those with sensory issues, I am doing my best to figure out how to make this a non-nightmare. I didn't go into Circus Sweeties planning to be 100% sensory friendly (I mean I didn't plan for it to be a sensory nightmare either lol), but if I CAN avoid awful feeling things I will, as I'm also sensitive to certain textures. My kiddo is. My best friend is. If the zipper on the forehead can be concealed by fabric that maybe has a scar embroidered on it, I will do that, but I'm not sure what is possible yet. I'm just trying to figure out the brain issue at the moment! ^^;
We still have plenty of time to determine what we're going to do with Remi, but I'd love to figure them out sooner rather than later.
I also really loved the suggestion of having another group of Circus Sweeties called Sideshow Sours! Maybe they could be a band, since Remi plays guitar in my mind hehehe. I am really hype about that.
Anyway, I'll leave this for now! There is a lot to do still, outside of this. I have a lot of art to finalize for merch, and a lot of characters to make ref sheets before we pay for their prototypes. ^^
I'm still working on the Discord too, I swear!
I made a huge mistake when picking the winners of the writing contest, so please congratulate another plushie winner: ashtonamaya5!
They wrote 'The Lion, The Costumes, and The Wardrobe' and it was really good! If you haven't read it and you like to read, you should check it out!