about 19 hours ago

Project Update: Remi Razzles + Paris Parfait update!

Hey there Cookie Crew!

I hope everyone is having a wonderful Saturday! I came down with something Thursday night-- NO idea what-- but it really kicked my butt. Which sucks, because our manu keeps hitting us with some cool updates! So, while some cold meds are somewhat helping, I knew I had to sit down and share.

Let's start with the fun stuff-- Videos!!:

Remi Razzles:
Paris Parfait:


Remi Razzles

Remi Razzles Prototype 2

I just want to start by saying, I don't know where Remi's bolt went haha. I'm asking them tonight for clarification. I feel like they just forgot to record it?

I'm also very excited by the brain pouch! I was a little nervous they wouldn't be able to whip something together, but they proved me wrong. The possibilities seem endless! If you aren't into squishy toys, you could easily use it for whatever else you want-- someone even suggested hiding candy and treats in it for movie adventures!

I think aesthetically the brain needs a change or two, but otherwise, yeah-- I'm just super excited to see it in person!

I know some people would really like the tail to have more stripes, too. Let me know what you think below, especially if Remi is on your list of cookies you'd like to take home!

They also didn't change the color of Remi's bow, but I will address that with them tonight, as well!


Paris Parfait

Paris Parfait Prototype 2

They didn't send good Paris photos, only video haha. That said, I'm really happy with this version of Paris! They look great with the same nose as London. I feel like it sets them apart from Catsie, but also goes really well with the color of their ears and bangs!

I'm also so happy with the removeable bow accessories! I cannot wait to play with them in real life and try them on some of the other cookies hehe. It's going to be so much fun!

I have no critique for Paris at this moment, but if you do, don't hesitate to share! It might be pretty vital and I just missed it~ ESPECIALLY if Paris is a cookie you'd like to grab for yourself!

Once we confirm this Paris, they should start working on the shaved ear version, which I am equally as excited to see!


ANYWAY... I'm still sick. I feel like I need to lay down, but I am excited to see what y'all have to say! Thank you so much for your patience and support!






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