Project Update: BIG UPDATE: Madame, Paris, Una (Poll!!) and more
Hello Cookie Crew!!!
If you are not a part of the Discord, I really hope you will consider joining. It is a lot easier for me to throw certain updates up there than it is here. I won't stop updating here, but a lot happens over there too!!
If you are not a part of the Discord, I really hope you will consider joining. It is a lot easier for me to throw certain updates up there than it is here. I won't stop updating here, but a lot happens over there too!!
Photos of the prototypes from the manufacturer can be very lackluster and not really show a plushies full potential. The lighting, angle, type of camera, and whether or not a plushie has been brushed and styled can make such a HUGE difference. If you are disappointed by a plushie you've looking forward to, please consider waiting until I've been able to get take photos myself! You may find that they look a LOT more appealing once they've been brushed, and lovingly photographed! If you are still unhappy, then of course, please feel free to email me and I will refund you! I just thought I would point this out, because it may not be obvious to everyone!
Madame Macaron
We are getting closer with Madame, I think! Still not perfect, but close!
The shape around her eyes needs to be rounded out more, and her peanut smaller like her reference! I am hopeful that her peanut is more obvious in person and proper lighting situations than it is in this photo. It's tough, because I think the only alternative is to make it a different color...
I mean, the colored peanuts are cute to me too, even if it means I'd have to edit her artwork haha. I can do a poll for this?
They also made her wings much bigger! Are they too big? I don't know. Is that possible? I don't know!!
Paris Parfait
AHHHHH, Paris!! I never thought they'd be so difficult. I want to start out by saying, I am going to pay for a prototype with the shaved ears. We will be having a poll once I can get pictures of them side by side!
That said, sourcing material for Paris' ears has been a nightmare. The fabric we originally wanted is so difficult to find, apparently, they were only able to source this weird color that definitely won't work. So I sent them some alternative ideas and they managed to get ahold of this rosebud type fabric and they made a mock up of the ear for us to see.
They texture is cute, but the color may still be off. I have asked them for a picture in nicer lighting, but I'm still waiting haha.
I also can't work on edits for the face until they make another doll with the correct nose, and it is kind of on hold at the moment due to the holidays coming up~
Una Ube
Una has been a little bit of a challenge too, BUT I asked them to make another sample with Twilight Sparkle inspired bangs.
IMPORTANT NOTE: I'm not sure if everyone who voted on the last Una poll noticed, but the horn is sewn DIRECTLY onto the hair in the clean version, which to me, looks a bit strange. I don't know how else they'd do it, so I really wanted to give everyone another option. Please only vote in the poll if you plan to purchase Una yourself~
Above are some edits I was thinking of. I was wondering if her nostrils were a little closer together and her mouth area was shrunk a bit if it might give her a cuter/daintier appearance. But ultimately I love her both ways, and this is nitpicking on my part. I think once she is brushed, and in proper lighting she will be so darn cute.
I also was wondering if the bangs needed to be longer? I don't know! Maybe I'm just overthinking her at this point haha.
Dotty Dragonsbeard
So, Dotty's sample with bangs and a bigger tail is finished! You can watch the video below. Because of the holidays, we're going to wait to send her out. Shipping is through the roof right now, so it's just better to wait! As much as it kills me.
Dotty Video:
As soon as she gets here, I'll style her up and take photos side by side with no bangs Dotty and we'll do another poll! Please keep in mind that the lighting in this video isn't the best. I still want to share though, because I'm so excited!!
I think that is it for now!! I'm going to be talking to our agent a lot tonight, trying to get things moving as much as I can before the Chinese New Year!! Please be sure to vote on the poll if Una is on your list, and I'll be back with more updates soon!!!