Cephalofair Games
10 months ago

Project Update: Schedules and an apology

Good day! We've got your regular shipping updates, as well as other important info this week, but first off, I just want to take a minute to apologize to you all. I know there has been some frustration with how little we interact with the community here on Backerkit. I thought we were doing good with the updates every other week, making sure people are informed of the goings-on, but if that is the only communication you get, that still is a little lacking, and I am sorry. Both I (Isaac) and the support staff should be more present in the comments, and so we're going to do better about that.

In discussing it with the team, we've decided one of the blockers for us is that updates are posted on Fridays. We move right into the weekend, where you're not going to see as much activity from us. So we've decided to switch up the update schedule and start posting our updates every other Tuesday. So this will be our last Friday update, and the next update will be posted Tuesday, May 21. This should give us time during the week to look at and respond to your questions in the comments in a more timely fashion.

And since we are talking about schedules, we have an official close off date for wave 3 of the pledge manager: Friday, May 24. Wave 3 consists of the new edition of Gloomhaven and all related products. Once we close off the pledge manager, we will open it a short time later for waves 4 and 5, and we will also open up pre-orders for Gloomhaven at full MSRP on our webstore. So you will get one more warning with the next update, and then we'll be charging cards.

And now, on to the shipping updates!

Shipping updates

US Wave 1 & 2: COMPLETE! 

Canada Wave 1 & 2: COMPLETE! 

Asia: Shipments to regional hubs should be arriving soon. We've asked for a timeline update by region and should have a detailed breakdown next update.

AU/NZ Wave 1 & 2: COMPLETE! 

EU/Rest of World: In Progress! Shipping continues, and we’re expecting a couple more weeks to finish the rest of the pending orders.

UK: In progress! Shipping started last week and we’re seeing copies of B&B in the wild. We expect fulfillment to continue for a couple more weeks.

If you are in a region that has been marked complete but have not yet received your wave 1 or 2 items please contact [email protected] so we can check on the status of your order. If you’re in a region that’s still fulfilling, please stay tuned. Your order is coming soon!

Other updates

First let's talk about the new edition of Gloomhaven! We got quite a reaction to the vermling art last time, and I just wanted to emphasize one more time that it was work-in-progress. And while we do appreciate all the feedback on it, which has helped improve further iterations of that piece, I think from now one we'll do our best to only share final art, as that seems to be what is largely expected. We continue to make big strides here in getting the rest of the art together and all the cards laid out.

Big strides also continue to be made with the RPG. Our goal is to start handing the chapters off for editing early next week. This will be a piecemeal process as we finalize different sections of the book, sending them into editing one at a time. We've also started to get beautiful map work in from Francesca showing larger portions of the world. Still work-in-progress, so I won't show them yet, but hopefully we can share them soon!


So that's all the news we have this week. Just another reminder that the next update will go out Tuesday, May 21, and will be followed by the wave 3 pledge manager closing on the 24th. Have a good weekend, and I'll catch you then!
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