Central Michigan University Press
11 months ago

Project Update: Digital Downloads are available

Hi everyone,

We have initiated the process for charging credit cards for add-ons and preorders. There are a few errored cards, as always, so if you are in that group, be sure to update your credit card when you get a chance.

We also initiated the distribution of digital rewards (such as the print & play pdfs for FYOV, Monumental Consequence, and Rising Waters) through Backerkit. Technically this started last week when orders locked, but anyone who had to first pay for digital rewards should have received an email today. If you didn't receive an email about digital downloads, you can visit our main Backerkit page for FYOV (https://five-hundred-year-old-vampire.backerkit.com/) to get access to your survey and the link to any rewards you have connected to your account. 

On the physical game itself, the manufacturer is trying to iron out some kinks in the production process of the game dice (they are not coming out the way we want), but in the meantime, they sent us a picture of the physical proof they generated. So here's a look at it. We can't wait to get it in our grubby, little hands and make sure everything is how it should be.

Finally, a reminder: we have another crowdfunding campaign starting on Tuesday, March 26 on Kickstarter. This is for an area-control card game called Hydrologic Cycle, which is a great game for a science classroom, but is also pretty fun to play for hobby game folk. We'd love it if you could follow the Kickstarter page or share the game with any educators or science game enthusiasts in your life. You can check out the Kickstarter page here: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/cmu/hydrologic-cycle

Stay safe, everyone!
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