Earlier today, we uploaded and pushed out the Five Hundred Year Old Vampire Curriculum Guide by designer Jason Cox (along with its companion Resource Packet). Emails should have gone out from Backerkit to those backers who have this as a reward. However, if you haven't seen that email, you can visit your survey page for FYOC in Backerkit and access digital downloads there.
On the manufacturing front, there's no specific news to give you all as an update other than to say that manufacturing is proceeding. We expect to see the mass production proofs (i.e., test copies they pull off the line while running production) in a week or two. Assuming those are good, our manufacturer will wrap things up and get FYOV on a boat.
Finally, we're getting fairly close to having shipping rates locked down. We anticipating adding shipping charges to your orders around mid-to-late May and charging those fees in early June. We'll give you plenty of warning when we add the fees, so you can check them out before we charge.