Carrie Alyson | Aspenhearted
3 months ago

Project Update: Important poll, next stretch goals, and memorial art for an inspirational otter

We’re entering the second week of the campaign and thanks to your support we’re super close to reaching $17k and unlocking the next new pin, the California Two-Spot Octopus!

Once we reach that goal, I hope to unlock a free mini pin for all backers.

Which brings us to an important question, backers…
Do you want to see the designs and vote now on what the mini pin will be, or wait until we reach $19k and the pin unlocks? Vote below and help me decide!

Finally, if you’re a fan and follower of the Monterey Bay Aquarium, you probably heard about the passing of their beloved otter Rosa last week. She had joined the aquarium in June 2002 and at 24 years old was one of the worlds’ longest-lived Southern Sea Otters, and she was a treasured ambassador for her species.

Living in the Bay Area for half my life I visited the Monterey Bay Aquarium a lot and their otters were a big inspiration for this pin collection, so I just had to make some art to commemorate Rosa. Here she is enjoying a little clam treat in her boomer ball!

That’s all for now!

<3 Carrie

71 votes • Final results
The Two-Spot Octopus pin will become available as an add-on.
Goal: $17,000 reached! — We did it! This project reached this goal!
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