Carrie Alyson | Aspenhearted
4 months ago

Project Update: New stretch goals unlocked & one more day for Early Bird rewards!

Wow!!! Backers, we had a really incredible first day of the campaign that exceeded all of my expectations, and I'm so, so grateful for your support. 

We've already unlocked the first THREE stretch goals, which means every backer is getting two free stickers and we're adding some fun washi tape to the product line up—you can find it in the Add-ons!

We're so close to the next stretch goal to unlock the Frosted Nudibranch pin! This new pin and all future stretch goal pins will be included at no cost for everyone who has pledged for the Pin & Sticker Bundle and the All-in Collection, or you'll be able to get it as an add-on to your pledge.

Early Bird discounts and rewards are only available until 9AM PST tomorrow (June 6), so don't miss your chance to get the best value on the entire collection!

Being a self-employed indie artist is challenging, but getting to create the things that I want to see in the world and knowing that you believe in me and want these things too is so fulfilling. Thank you again for all of your support, and I hope you'll share this campaign with anyone who you think would love it! 

<3 Carrie

The Frosted Nudibranch pin will become available as an add-on.
Goal: $13,000 reached! — We did it! This project reached this goal!
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