Attic Door Media
5 months ago

Project Update: A Message From Cecil: Testing the Portals

Hello intrepid adventurers!
Thank you again for all your support.
I'm still gathering the resources I need to investigate the second portal. Scarlett seems very interested in this one. She has been communicating with an entity on the other side known as "Pyre." I'm building a device to try and amplify the signals Scarlett is receiving.

Please share our quest with everyone you know so that we can open the second portal and release Pyre!
In the meantime, I have been performing some some tests on the previous portal and confirmed that Cinder, Flora, and Cosmo are able to pass through safely. I even went through myself, though the experience was very disorienting to say the least!

There appears to be a guardian on the other side ready to receive the phoenixes.

She's quite large! Perhaps the size of a dragon. But with a coat of fur instead of scales.

I've heard the creature's name is Leia. She protected Cinder, Flora, and Cosmo during our test.

They are now back on the other side with us.

We are almost out of time to complete our adventure. In a little over a week, I'll return to your world with the phoenixes I've been able to locate.

While in your world I learned of sending spell called Social Media that lets you share messages over great distances to all your friends. This is a great way to spread the magic of phoenixes. Please use Social Media share our quest far and wide so we can bring all the phoenixes to safety. 

Thank you so much for your support on this journey.






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