Danielle Reynolds
10 days ago

Project Update: Survey Time!

Great news everyone! Surveys are done and approved, and you are one step closer to getting your rewards :)
First things first, there are still 9 backers who have failed payments. Please double check your pledge and ensure your payment has gone through so you can receive your pins. Let me know if you have questions about how to do this, or if you want to make sure your card got processed so I can check.

What's next?
Right now, I am sending out a 'smoke test' survey to about 5% of backers, to ensure the survey works and is running smoothly. After that, I can send the survey out to everyone else! Once all the surveys have been filled out, I can get the final item counts for the manufacturer and get these pins in production!

Campaign Freebies
As a reminder, I have several bonus items that you can receive for FREE with your order!

ALL backers will receive their choice of free sticker to go with their pledge. Designs include the Galactic Bee (the original freebie sticker), Pink or Orange Butterfly Nebula, and Galaxy Snail. You will be able to choose your freebie sticker through the survey. If you want more than one, you can always add more stickers to your order through the add-on section.

Anyone who backed the project for 5 or more pins will also have the option to choose a BONUS sticker sheet! This will be added to your order in addition to the free sticker.
If you pledged for fewer pins but added on more in the survey or during the campaign (totaling 5 or more) you will ALSO receive a free sticker sheet, though this one will be randomly chosen :)

If you also backed my partner project Howl & Harmony, you will receive TWO free keychains! These will come together with magnets to form one complete design. Angel (yellow and white) half was designed by me and and will be shipped with your pledge from my campaign. The Demon (grey and purple) half will ship with your order from their campaign.

Minor design changes

I have made some small changes to a couple of designs for manufacturing. Namely the "Space Minis" and "Ant Set" sticker sheets have been changed slightly because some of the stickers were too close together. The Space Minis sheet (shown above) has more noticeable changes so I wanted to show you the new layout, but the ant stickers have just been moved slightly farther apart and the change isn't very noticeable unless you had a ruler to measure.

The colors for the Sun Beetle pin and Nova Scorpion have also been altered slightly. The Nova Scorpion has been changed from a black body to a very deep burgundy color so there's more distinction between it and the Black Hole Scorpion design, but like the Ant Set sticker sheet, the change won't be very noticeable.
I altered the colors of the Sun Beetle design slightly to make the colors more cohesive with each other. The yellows are all now a similar shade or yellow/ orange, and the blues are richer to go with the bolder yellow. I think the colors pop more with this pallet, but I wanted to give you a heads up in case this effects which pin designs you want to select in your survey.

tldr; Double check that your payment went through, and keep an eye out for your surveys!

As always please let me know if you have questions! I try to answer them as best as I can and as soon as I see them :)
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