Danielle Reynolds
19 days ago

Project Update: Final Hours- Quick Update!

Dawn of the Final Day!

With just 15(ish) hours left, I wanted to give a big THANK YOU to all 138 of you!! This is by far my largest campaign EVER with more than DOUBLE the amount raised as any of my previous campaigns (even TRIPPLE the amount raised as my first ever campaign!)

Because of your amazing support, we have unlocked ALL stretch goals! You'll have the option to choose ANY of the pins/ stickers/ keychains seen in the campaign in the reward survey!

The long-awaited Constellation Moth is now available as a reward! You'll be able to choose this pin option in the survey or add it on through the pre-order store.
The Atlas Beetle 2-part keychain pledge level and add-on have been edited to be for either 2-part keychain, and you will be able to choose which design you want in the survey.

So What's Next?
With just a few hours to go, please remember to keep an eye on your email for notices from BackerKit to make sure your payment went through. More than likely, you won't see one if your payment is processed correctly, but if there's an error in your card you'll have about a week to update your payment info before you are dropped from the campaign. If this happens to you and you want to re-join, please email or message me and I will send you a link to the pre-order store so you can still get your pins/ stickers/ keychains

Once the campaign is over, I will be working hard on getting your surveys set up and ready to go so you can pick your rewards as soon as I get the go-ahead from BackerKit. This usually takes 1-2 weeks, though with the huge volume of orders and campaigns going on through PinTopia 2025, I imagine it might take a little longer. Keep an eye on your email in the next 2 weeks for updates and survey links from me and any other creators you backed in this event!

Cross-Colab Freebies
Speaking of other creators, have you checked out LivingBiohazard's campaign yet? If you back both of our campaigns for $12 or more, you will get a special edition 2-part keychain, with one half designed by each of us! Their project ends the same time mine does, so if you haven't backed it yet, time's running out!

That should be it for this update!
Seriously guys, I'm really blown away by the overwhelming support on this project! I can't wait to get these pins made and in your hands :)





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