Quick update for everyone! First- thank you all for the extra support this weekend! Thanks to you, we have unlocked the Pastel World-Eater Spider pin design! I'm particularly excited for this one since I've never done rainbow plating before :)
We are also SUPER close to the next goal- the Butterfly Nebula Pin! At time of writing, we are about $150 away from unlocking this design.
Next- I've been getting a lot of requests for sticker versions of pins and for more add-on options, so I designed some stickers and sticker sheets! There will be 3 new sticker designs to pick from: Galaxy Snail and two versions of the Butterfly Nebula (pink and gold).
I also designed three sticker sheets! This is something else I haven't made before, but I'm very excited to show you guys the designs I came up with:
First is a 6 sticker assortment featuring sticker versions of several pin designs from the campaign. These include the Sun and Moon Beetles, Nova Scorpion, Butterfly Nebula, Galaxy Snail, and Gas Giant Ladybug.
The second sticker sheet has just 5 stickers, but with a more decorative background in case you (like me) like displaying your sticker sheets for a while before using them. This sheet will have the World-Eater Spider, Sun and Moon Beetles, and two versions of the Gas Giant Lady bug- one in the regular orange and one in blue! All of these on a spiderweb background to go with the spider pin/ sticker designs.
The last sticker sheet is a bit special- I want to provide an option for folks who love the Space Cutter Ant pin set but can't get all the pins. This sheet will come with TWELVE (12) Space Cutter Ant stickers in 6 colors/versions, so you can make a nice long line of them on your notebook, laptop, etc. I also specifically chose rainbow colors for the planets so you can arrange them in a subtle rainbow pride flag!
I would also like to announce that all orders of 5 or more pins will get a free sticker sheet of their choice! This is in addition to ALL backers getting the free Galaxy Bee sticker. To maximize your pledge, you can also support Howl & Harmony and get a BONUS two- part keychain as part of the cross-colab freebie campaign. Now that's bang for your buck! As always, you can find add-ons here and you can always add more goodies to your campaign. If you forget or can't decide, that's okay too! You'll be able to add anything you missed in the survey after the the campaign has ended.
Thank you all so much! We're super close to the next goal- and I'm already planning out what can be added after that. Keep an eye out for future updates~