Aimee Cozza
4 months ago

Project Update: And the cover winner is... Plus the poll robot!


Robot dreams!

It came in with 30 votes, which was 2x as much as heart eyes, and a lot more than the instruction manual covers. Here's the full wrap, though it's still in WIP so there will be text and color tweaks. Here's our main character bots, Sterling (front) and Zev (back) looking at the same sunset and dreaming. <3

If you really liked the others, though, I have added them as $5 print add-ons (except heart eyes doesn't have the text on it) for the purpose of the campaign (limited edition!) You can always let me know if you want a poster or bigger print or whatnot via email and I'm happy to make that happen too.

We're also a little under $200 away from everybody getting a booty bot print. So if you want that freebie, adding a $5 print to your pledge will help move us closer to that line. Pretty please share this campaign with any friends or family members who might enjoy some gay robot sci-fi - I'm just starting out as an indie author and the more copies I can get into readers hands the happier I will be! You can easily use my quick link and it'll send them here (so no one has to remember the long annoying BackerKit URLs).

Now, what's next?

Oh yeah, I owe you folks a robot don't I? Based on the build a robot poll, we have a robot that's 31% head, 10% neck, 11% torso, 17% arms, and 28% legs. Here they are, in all their glory:

Now, let's give the bot some features, what do you think? Go ahead, pick what I should add. You'll have only a few days to add features so choose quickly! :D
24 votes • Final results




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