It's taking absolutely forever for the printer to get their act together with some of the finishing details, so I still don't have paperback or hardcovers in hand, although I have all of the other add ons, goodies, etc for the campaign to start packing as soon as they hit.
Lots of butt prints here.
The good news is the paperback bulk order has been placed, but I was really unhappy with the way the hardcover came out when I received it (and not in any way I could fix) so I'm shifting to a different way with it that I think will overall look better. Unfortunately that means I have to go through the proof process with it again which slows things down MORE, but I'd rather everybody get something as good as can be and not anything subpar.
If you ordered ebook only, check your email. It's already there :)
If you ordered ebook only and didn't get any email, check and make sure you filled out your survey! (basically just confirming the right email for you)
Paperbacks will fulfill next in line as they're most likely to get here first.
Hardcovers will fulfill last only because they're taking the longest to print and make it to my house
**A small note about the ebook. I'm providing both epub and PDF copies so you can pick your favorite. The PDF has all the neato formatting, but the story is identical in both. Still, I have heard reports that the cover and inside images look weird in Kindle app for Android if you load the PDF. Apparently it prefers CMYK (FOR SOME REASON) so if you are specifically wanting/needing this, I have a PDF copy ready in CMYK specifically for this Kindle for Android app issue. Just shoot me an email (log in and scroll down below for my email address) and I'll get it to you!
If you're a paperback or hardcover backer, and you filled out your survey, and you want to get a head start on reading since those tiers have ebooks included, keep reading... Log in for backer exclusive content below.
Thanks for your patience! I think the holiday season is slowing this down more but I'm really hoping to get you folks your books before anyone else. Going, but going slowly... Soon though, I'm sure!