Aimee Cozza
4 months ago

Project Update: Here goes nothing... Cover choices are ready plus your joke cover

Hey everyone! Thanks so much for supporting my goofy lil book and helping with my polls. Based on the poll numbers, you folks voted mainly for the original cover (which I won't use, sorry... I will explain in a bit), the instruction manual sketch, and the hearteyes sketch. I spent the last week drawing and designing all of these and aside from a few small tweaks, they're more or less ready to be used as a cover. I just need YOUR help deciding.

But let's talk about the original cover for a minute.

Apparently, unbeknownst to me, there are a group of people who are perceiving the cover to be a robot's butt, rather than the intended shoulder plate. Since I knew the cover I was using here was rough and pretty ambiguous to begin with, the idea was never to use it for an actual printed product. But... This was hilarious to me. I had to have a friend trace the butt for me, and now people are coming out to tell me they, too, saw a butt.

That's not what Sterling's butt looks like though! Not at all. Ah, I must fix this injustice.

Slaved over this robo booty

This will not be a choice in the poll (sorry) because while the butt is great and very indicative of my sense of humor, I don't think it's as good of an indicator of the story inside as some of the others. And I know if I put it on the poll everyone will vote butt and it'll be all over. REGARDLESS! If we reach $2,500 I will put a 4x6 print with every physical tier. So you too can have your very own piece of robo-ass.

Anyway, onward to the covers! I have 4 choices for you, and you can vote on each in the poll attached. The choices are:
  1. Robot Dreams
  2. Hearteyes
  3. Instruction Manual (light)
  4. Instruction Manual (dark)

The poll will be open for a week so please help me out by getting your votes in ASAP!
59 votes • Final results
Every physical tier gets a 4x6 print of the robo-booty illustration
Goal: $2,500 reached! — We did it! This project reached this goal!
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