Jason Ward (Accidental Cyclops Games)
9 months ago

Project Update: Backer surveys closing. December update.

Happy holidays everyone!

Surveys closing!

First and foremost, this is a reminder that backer surveys are closing in a week or so. When this happens, cards will be charged for shipping and add-ons. If you have not yet filled out your survey, please do so by January 2nd! I'll send out reminders to those folks shortly.

Writing/Art update

Angel Dust is essentially finished from a writing perspective. I am doing one final pass and editing the adventure module portion, then I'll begin the book layout. We have almost all of the art ready to go as well. Angel Dust should be done by the end of January... fingers crossed!

King for a Day is still in the middle stages of the process. We've got some adventure-related content yet to flesh out and test, and much of the artwork has not yet been started. We anticipate that being a 2-month process, give or take. So February and March will be dedicated to KFAD.

Additional stuff!

We're partnering with a couple of writers/designers to create some additional content that leverages the Real Thing implementation of Powered-by-the-Apocalypse rules, but that takes place in parallel worlds. The short-form games/adventures will have the look and feel of The Real Thing, but we're pushing the system into new worlds.

So far, we've got Sean B. Jaffe from Nerdy City Games. You likely know his work on Commandroids, Rememorex, and World of Darkness (White Wolf), among other things. He's got a great mind for game/narrative design, and the feel of his work fits perfectly with The Real Thing's aesthetic. He'll be writing/designing one of the games for the additional content, which will be at least one new zine coming out in the next several months. We're super excited! 

And, some more art leaks!

Great Egret, by Teresa Guido

RPGs in the 80s by Teresa Guido

Thanks, everyone! We'll be back in touch in January with more updates and hopefully some nearly finished layouts from Angel Dust.


Jason and Jason




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