Jason Ward (Accidental Cyclops Games)
8 months ago

Project Update: New content update, fun projects to back, and Angel Dust digital ready for download!

Hey folks!

Just a quick update...

First, you will all (who ordered Angel Dust) receive your v0.9 version of the Angel Dust book shortly!

Keep an eye out for a BackerKit email letting you download the file. Please do not share it outside of this group, as it is not 100% final (not until it goes to print). We would love your feedback and commentary. Feel free to send it to [email protected]. 

Second, we have the drafts for the two additional stories (not Angel Dust or King for a Day) completed, and they are in the editing phases! 

That's great news because it means we are a mere 40 pages of content editing and rewrites away from having AD and KFAD ready for print! 

The first of these stories is Woodpecker from Mars, written by our own Jason Peercy. It is a sci-fi one-shot that leverages the Real Thing engine to tell a bit of a space horror story. It's about as metal as the song from which it takes its name! There will also be an additional 4 - 6 pieces of custom art created for this story.

The second piece is Zombie Eaters, written by our friend Sean Jaffe of Nerdy City Games. It is a glorious 90s romp that features flavors and functionaries of the late 80s and early 90s music scene in San Francisco. It also blends the world of The Real Thing with Nerdy City's world of the Holomatixx. Holomatixx is the newest installment of Nerdy City's universe-spanning series of games based on 1980s toys and cartoons such as Transformers (Commandroids) and Gem and the Holograms (Holomatixx). This story has been drafted and will be completed very soon. It will also feature all-new artwork!

Third... You can still back Holomatixx! 

There are 3 days left at the time I am writing this. Help Nerdy City (Sean and Megan) finish super strong! We are fans and backers, so we have at least one leg to stand on when we ask you to be as well.  If you are feeling extra supportive, you can back their whole line of games in softcover (5 titles + other goodies) for just $100! It would be truly, truly, truly outrageous if you did!

Lastly, you can still support our latest project, Surviving Strangehollow!

For fans of fantasy stories, art, and RPGs, this project is amazing! We assembled a team of true luminaries for the fiction and game design, including Ed Greenwood, Erin Roberts, Bryan CP Steele, and Shawn Merwin, among others. You really can't go wrong. Go pre-order it now!

Thanks all,

Jason, Jason, and the rest of Accidental Cyclops




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