Jason Ward (Accidental Cyclops Games)
10 months ago

Project Update: November Update!

Hi Backers, I hope you are all well! 

We're headed into the Thanksgiving season here in the US. It's a time of reflection (or at least it is for me) and gratitude. I am so very thankful to have you all as backers and to have met more than a few new friends through the process of making and distributing this game. 

Before taking a few days off, I think I owe you all a bit of an update, so here goes!


Jason and I are pretty close to finishing the text for Angel Dust. We just need to massage some of the scenario material, then we can begin putting it into the InDesign file for layout. We're running through the scenario now with some friends to make sure we've explored most of the nooks and crannies and offered good guidance for Narrators telling the story. We're very excited about it! 

King for a Day is about 50% done in terms of writing. The process of creating supernatural powers and abilities has been daunting. There are so many options, and we have to draw the line somewhere so that we don't make a book that's just full of "cool powers." There will be plenty, but we're not 100% sure how many just yet. The scenario is still being written as well, and it has a very open-ended feel to it so far. We should have a lot more to talk about here in December.


We've got three artists working on the project to varying degrees. James Mosingo, who was the sole artist on The Real Thing book 1, has finished with the covers, variant covers, dice, and stickers for us. We actually had those mostly nailed down before the campaign. Jarret Katz is focused primarily on character art, including playbooks and the NPCs for the Angel Dust and King for a Day scenarios. Those characters are done, unless we create one or two more as we playtest further. Lastly, but certainly not least, Teresa Guido continues to make excellent progress on all of the rest of the book art... roughly 60 pieces in all. She's about 50% of the way through that process, give or take.

Here are some new pieces!


All is progressing more or less on schedule. Writing will be done by January. We'll be closing the surveys in early January (so get those surveys done, you remaining 30 people!). Final editing will be done in February. Everything should be ready to print in March. Then we anticipate fulfillment beginning in May, give or take.

Don't hesitate to reach out if you have questions.

Also, tell your friends and have them get their pre-orders in by early January!
Pre-order here!





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