2nd Dynasty
22 days ago

Project Update: T-minus 3 Days! #WIP 2

Greetings spaceship aficionados! Wow, I have been burning the candle at both ends lately, but we have made tremendous progress! Backerkit has confirmed the campaign is ready to live and the ads are ready - now just to do all the rest of it all, pledge

Clockwise from Bottom Left, Valkyria, Ratatosk, Nidhogg, Sleipnir Refit

Aside from getting some pretty photos, with Albin and Lise-Lott focusing on painting the Valkyria and getting the interior printed, I have been focusing on redesigning the Sleipnir/Fenrir bridge, which will inform the design language of the other vessels as well.

Deck 01A looking down at the operations area from the navigation and pilot positions

A view from the main Bridge from the ladderwell on Deck 01B

There is so much happening behind the scenes, and my focus now will be on visualising some stretch goals and of course, getting the pitch film together! It's going to keep me busy right up until launch!

Some of the PDC variants, I love the asymmetric large drum one myself

I you have not yet followed the project, we strongly recommend it to ensure you get one of our early bird bonus turrets, the Space Wiz variant, which gets added to any pledges in the first 48 hours!

We also added turntables of all the ships to our Youtube. These will be on the campaign as well once we launch.

See you soon!





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