Compliment your sci-fi game with these amazing 28mm scale, fully realised 3D printable tail-sitter spacecraft designs with customisable interiors. Options to buy pre-printed or print your own.
3D print your own massive 28mm-scale spaceships on your 3D printer
Or, if you don't have one, we can print our smallest ship (upgradable later) for you
Each ship is detailed inside and out and assembles without glue using a clip system
The deck plans are highly customisable
Unstack each deck onto your tabletop for engaging play throughout the ship
Assembly instructions included, along with drag and drop print plates to get started printing in minutes
Who Are We?
For seven years 2nd Dynasty have been making awesome 3D printable tiles and complete spaceships for tabletop gaming. We've delivered more than a dozen crowdfunding campaigns, 700 products, and almost 15,000 STL files!
Our most popular ship ever was the Expanse-style tail sitter, the Sleipnir.
In 2025 we are venturing back to the Aesir Mercurius Shipyards of the Second Kalmar Union on Mercury to bring three brand new vessels to your tabletop and two complete overhauls.
From bottom left running clockwise - Valkyria, Fenrir, Ratatosk, Nidhogg and Sleipnir Refit
Sleipnir is back, along with a flotilla of additional vessels. The Aesir corporation has a storied history of spacecraft design harkening back to the early days of fusion torch travel. These tail-sitters come in a variety of shapes and sizes and can take your crew of rag-tag legitimate salvagers from the Inner Planets to vast expanse of the Outer Planets and even beyond the edges of the Solar System.
Introducing the Valkyria Shuttle, the Ratatosk Light Corvette, and the Nidhogg Torpedo Destroyer. And returning with a complete refit and overhaul is the Sleipnir Refit and the Fenrir, an official Sleipnir variant.
Old and new, we have five vessels in all on offer in this campaign! All five vessels come for the Aesir Shipyards, owned by a conglomerate of Scandinavian bloc megacorps sometimes called Kalmar II after the famed 14th century union of Denmark, Sweden and Norway. Each vessel is named for a legendary wight of Norse Mythology (which have been Anglicised), and built in the Mercurius Shipyards.
Keep our lore, seamlessly dropping it into your game, or use our ships as surrogates for other vessels in your favourite futuristic roleplaying or tabletop skirmish game.
The New Ships
The Valkyria, Ratatosk and Nidhugg are three brand new Tail-sitter designs completely unique to the Aesir Fleet.
The Valkyria is a light transport used primarily as a ship's boat or short-range launch, although they have become so ubiquitous and popular across the system that they have been converted to serve all kinds of roles, from express package delivery to mobile science labs, asteroid prospectors to orbital cargo shuttles, and even the odd mercenary or pirate conversion. It is also a really great starter project for your 3D printer, five stories high, with decks split up into control, payload and propulsion. It also boasts robust communications and sensor equipment.
Affectionately named the football, for its rough resemblance to a rugby ball, it has been a popular model for the last 26 years.
Valkyria is named for the warrior maidens who collected the souls of the slain from the battlefields of Midgard and brought them to the halls of Valhalla and Folkvangr. You might know them as Valkyries.
A shot of Albin's Valkyria prototype
The Ratatosk is a light frigate that can be configured for a variety of tasks. It is popular in interdiction, patrol and customs roles, as well as armed escorts for merchant vessels. Armed with two PDCs and ten torpedoes, its distinctive three-engine configuration.
Ratatosk is named for the legendary squirrel that lived in the branches of the great ash tree, Yggdrasil.
The Ratatosk prototype in the foreground
Nidhogg is the largest ship we have designed to date, a torpedo destroyer and legitimate warship. It boasts three torpedo tubes and five PDC emplacements. It is powered by seven main thrusters. It is fifteen stories high and is divided into thirteen decks.
Nidhogg is named for the great serpent (dragon) that gnaws upon the roots of Yggdrasil.
Nidhogg is so tall, the bottom half is out of focus...
The Refits
The Sleipnir first premiered on our Starship V Kickstarter in 2020. It has been completely updated to 2025 standards, with parts redesigned for maximum support-free printability. All versions of Sleipnir are getting this benefit as a free update, but the Sleipnir Refit premiering in this campaign is a complete rebuild.
The original Sleipnir is getting many improvements...
Star Trek buffs could liken this to the difference between the Enterprise 1701 refit and the 1701-A. Externally, they look almost identical, but on the inside, there is so much more going on. We've integrated wall features into the hull, providing additional floor space that should let you get a miniature into every cabin, and we've made the floors GridForge compatible, allowing you to customise the interior layout on the fly. Additionally we've given a round of polish as we redesigned everything.
Of course, the Sleipnir is backwards compatible with all of its Starship V stretch goals and expansions.
Fenrir, previously a configuration of customisations to the base Sleipnir known under another name, is a complete standalone gunship to complete all your tabletop fantasies owning legitimate salvage! Armed with a spinal railgun, six PDCs and two torpedo tubes with ten fish each, the Fenrir is a formidable beast. It also boasts a single large high-performance fusion torch engine.
Interior of the lower bridge, with the PDCs out
Aside from the aforementioned benefits of the Sleipnir Refit, we remodelled the PDC housing doors and PDC mounts to been made more robust with increased durability and resistance, while giving it the same love and care.
Each ship is detailed not just on the outside, but on the inside as well. You can unstack each deck onto your tabletop to allow very engaging encounters across multiple levels at once.
The interiors can also be customised to your liking, allowing you to change the features based on the ship's mission or aesthetic appearance you are after.
The lower bridge level of the Fenrir. The Sleipnir Refit is almost identical
A crew quarters level and a medbay level (Sleipnir Refit/Fenrir)
The Fenrir Engineering Deck, where you can see the workshop and the top of the Fusion Core
OpenLOCK Floors, once in place, require disassembly of each deck to swap out the contents. At the end of last year, our team invented GridForge, a system compatible with OpenLOCK walls and floors to increase the flexibility of our tiles.
An animation of how Gridforge integrates with OpenLOCK and is compatible with our existing catalogue
Gridforge connects seamlessly with our OpenLOCK tiles and provides a framework where tiles can be dropped down into the frames and are held in place with friction. These tiles can easily be swapped out on the fly, allowing for gaming features such as interactable terrain and fog of war effects. The clips also print in one quarter the time.
Valkyria Interior
Here is an update on the interior of Valkyria to give an impression of its size. Each square on the grid is 1"/25.4mm.
The top three decks of Valkyria
Here are the top three decks, staring with the command module loft where the pilot and navigator sit. Beneath that is the crew compartment, which includes some storage, seating, sleeping berths and a hygiene closet. The deck below is a cargo bay with suit storage and the main airlock.
It appears someone has vented this ship and it is currently devoid of a breathable atmosphere.
Throughout the campaign we will unlock some awesome stretch goals (aka achievements). Here are a few of them that are upcoming.
Added to all pledges
Added to all pledges
Added to all pledges
DetailsWe will add (at least) three new PDC turret types and one new PDC arm when we get 250 backers. The PDC weapons will be compatible with the Valkyria Weapon Mounts as well. Of course these can also be used with the original Sleipnir and its variants.
They are compatible with all ships, however, do require PDC housings or mounts to make compatible with the Sleipnir Refit or Valkyria.
This adds a collection of nurnies and greebles that can plug into OpenLOCK and Supporty clip ports, allowing for further customisation of your vessels.
The Valkyria first implemented these for its communications dish and antennae. All five vessels have areas where these can be added by default, mostly at the bow of each vessel.
At 350K we will release some Valkyria-compatible weapons systems for the aspirant pirate or small mercenary outfit. Includes two weapon mount options. These mount the PDC weapons, only on a fixed hardpoint with azimuth but not elevation. They require a skilled pilot to aim using the assistance of the vessel's RCS
Technically they could be installed on any of the ships, as they plug into an RCS port/OpenLOCK connection.
At 400K we will unlock the versatile Ratatosk mission module, which provides additional cargo area and changes the profile of the ship. This module will initially add additional cargo space, however, the intention is that it can be swapped out for other mission type modules, such as passenger quarters, or even a boarding vessel in a similar shape.
With a bit of creativity, the module can be made compatible with other ship types as well, although it does require customising the internal layout. It is most compatible with Nidhogg with minimal effort required.
One of the biggest barriers to getting a 2nd Dynasty ship on your tabletop is having to own your own 3D printer. While 3D printing is becoming more and more accessible, decent machines still cost in $500-1500 range and a single ship alone might not be enough to justify entry into the hobby.
Therefore, we have partnered once again with JohnGames to produce a limited print run of 3D printed ships for those without their own 3D printer. Over the last several years, JohnGames have achieved a reputation for very high quality FDM prints.
This is not a render, it is a test print of the Valkyria, what you can expect quality-wise
We are offering the Valkyria Shuttle as a physical print. You will be able to upgrade your physical Valkyria pledge to a Ratatosk, Sleipnir, Fenrir or Nidhogg, or add additional ships, minis and accessories on our pledge manager.
Of course, if you own your own FDM 3D printer (or SLA for miniatures), our digital pledge levels offer you the STL files to print our content at home. Estimated print materials are between 1 (Valkyria) to 5 kg (Nidhogg) of PLA filament.
Design Features
Each ship is comprised of hundreds of parts, and held together using a clip system that allows assembly without any glue or third party parts.
We make printability a priority; 99% of our parts do not require any supports to print on an FDM printer. Additionally, we provide convenient 3MF format build plates that allow you to drag and drop directly into your slicer program to get printing in a matter of minutes (with our in-house settings if you have a similar printer).
We use a combination of BambuLabs and Prusa printers to prototype our ships. They are designed and test-printed in Sweden, with our production run based in the United States of America.
Of course, if you own the STL files, you always have the right to have those designs printed on your behalf, be it on your own printer, or a third party service.
Physical Ships are printed in the USA, we anticipate beginning fulfillment in Quarter 4 of 2025. Rate estimates below are for a Valkyria.
Shipping inside US: $15 Canada: $22 Rest of World*: $28
We are finishing up the interior design on several of the ships, exteriors are fully prototyped, and everything should be completed model-wise by the time the campaign concludes.
Ship Statuses
Sleipnir Refit - Fully complete and printable Fenrir - Fully complete and printable Valkyria - Exterior fully printable, command decks and cargo deck complete and printable, only engineering remains, should be done first week of March. Ratatosk - Exterior fully printable, airlock and drive compartment complete. This has the most amount of work remaining and will be last Nidhogg - Exterior fully printable, 8/13 decks complete
STL Delivery Schedule
Our digital files for 3D printing will be distributed via We will start STL deliveries around two to three weeks after the conclusion of the campaign, once campaign funds have arrived, and we have set up a pledge manager on the platform.
Any pre-existing products will be shared at this time (i.e. the Collector pledge).
We will release the five ships with 3mf build plates in the initial offering, and at this time, anticipate all ships being immediately available.
However, full assembly instructions will come at a later date. We will make the build plates so that each level can be completed and you can figure out assembly via renders until the instructions come.
The instructions will arrive on a ship-by-ship basis based on size and complexity, and take approximately a week each to complete. This will include a 3Dio export and a PDF assembly manual based on the 3Dio instructions.
Stretch Goals and Add-Ons will be completed last, with weekly releases until everything is fulfilled. We anticipate this whole process taking approximately 8-10 weeks in optimal conditions.
Physical Ship Deliveries
Deliveries will start in Q4, 2025. John will get in touch as your order is processed by backer number. At this time, you will be asked if you want to upgrade your ship to a larger vessel, or add additional prints to your order. You will also be asked to pay for shipping and handling. Then your order will be printed and shipped to you.
In 2020 when we launched Starship V: Sleipnir, we created the base ship and unlocked a dozen or so stretch goals that let you wildly modify the look and function of the vessel.
This section will talk about the OG Sleipnir and the Sleipnir Refit and Fenrir differences for clarification.
The most important thing toemphasise is that despite its name, the Sleipnir Refit is a completely new ship. 90% of its parts have been redesigned and remodelled from the ground up. It is fully compatible with the OG Sleipnir and its stretch goals, but implementing its features would required reprinting almost the entirety of the ship, although it could be tackled on a deck by deck basis.
This was a time-consuming project, and of the chief reasons why we chose not to make a free update (although there is a free update, read on). While the ship looks externally quite similar, the entire interior has been rebuilt. The end results are visually close to the original designs, but with greater floor space for miniatures, with the notable exceptions being the Bridge and crew decks having completely new layouts.
OG Sleipnir Bridge
Fenrir Bridge
OG Sleipnir Engineering
Fenrir Engineering
Additionally, the floors have been swapped out to the GridForge system where possible to allow tons of customisation and hot-swapping of tiles for dynamic gaming.
Finally, the entire ship prints support free.
OG Sleipnir Changes
Some of the Sleipnir Refit changes will be implemented in the OG Sleipnir as a free update. This is just something I (Ben) wanted to do to be cool to our past customers, so that everyone gets something new, whether or not you back this campaign.
The general rule of thumb is, if it is an improvement to the structural integrity of the ship or fixes a printability issue, it will be added as a free update to the OG Sleipnir. Otherwise, it can exclusively be found with the Sleipnir Refit-Fenrir.
Free updates (post campaign) for Sleipnir (Kickstarter Edition) or its Stretch Goals:
Improved RCS Units with higher fidelity and Supporty Clip ports
New engine cone design (standard five-drive configuration plus the Large Main Engine stretch goal)
Base plate printability issues addressed, no more thin floors
Nose redesign with modular sensor masts for increased printability and structural integrity - no more breaking prongs or masts off. Also the tiles should now have more uniformity
PDC Units and housings (including Forward PDC Stretch Goal), completely rebuilt for snapping doors, mechanical improvements and holding their poses better
Additionally the Torpedo Tube and Spinal Mounted Rail Gun Stretch Goals have been redesigned for Fenrir and will be updated for free as well
Sleipnir Refit Exclusive changes:
- Wall features which previously used inserts have been pushed back into the hull to create more playing space - Airlock redesigned - The floors have been replaced by customisable GridForge tiles that can be hot-swapped - Partitions and beds totally redesigned on crew levels - Medbay redesigned layout with wall-integrated beds - Galley redesigned - Ladderwells redesigned to print support-free in several parts, with better functioning sliding airlock doors that are easier to use - The Bridge is completely redesigned from the ground up and split into three sections instead of one, which now stack on top of each other, the lower deck now being integrated with the walls so it is no longer loose - Hull surfacing improvements, although often subtle
The Fenrir never officially existed. Whist we had a cheekily named set of modifications for the OG Sleipnir to turn it into a gunship, you had to mod your Sleipnir yourself - there were no official instructions or guides as to how to do this.
Fenrir does have a lot in common with Sleipnir Refit internally. There are some subtle differences, but if you own a Sleipnir Refit and have the Stretch Goals from Starship V: Sleipnir, you would have all the parts you need for creating your own Fenrir, aside from the instructions.
Standalone Upgrades Coming Later
If you don't want to invest in the new versions of the ships now, we will offer upgrades in the future. These will allow modifying the OG Sleipnir into the Sleipnir Refit or Fenrir. The pricing has not been decided, but should be about $25 per ship. The difference is about equivalent to the All-In Pledge, only without any free add-ons included with that pledge, including the ship minis.