Cephalofair Games
about 1 year ago

Project Update: $4 million, 2 days left, and a Cragheart preview

Good day! And welcome once again to all the new backers! We have passed the $4 million mark, a full 200% funded, which is stupendous! Thank you to everyone for joining us on this journey!

We've got another smaller update today as we prepare for the last 48 hours. The project will end at 6pm PST on Wednesday, so we're getting ready for one last push!

No streams yesterday, but we have Jamie Daggers coming back on for one last miniature painting stream from 1-4pm PST today.

And, then of course, we have a new Cragheart puzzle at the bottom of the page. This will be the last puzzle of the campaign, rounding out the number to 12: two for each of the starting classes. In case you missed any of them, I've compiled them all into this folder for easy reference. Thank you to Drew and Dennis and all the play testers who helped create these puzzles. They were all very interesting, and also thanks to MadMullet for hosting the puzzle discussions on BGG every time!


Lastly for today, we have a Cragheart preview from Drew and Dennis. This is the last of the starting classes to highlight, but we'll have another locked class preview tomorrow. Here's the preview:

Today we’ll take a look at the updated Savvas Cragheart in Gloomhaven: Second Edition.

First let’s reflect on the Cragheart in the first edition. 

The Cragheart was a burly sentient rock who could do a bit of everything. They could deal damage in melee, from range, and heal. They generally had pretty strong values on their abilities but were held back by their limited movement and poor initiative. Their most unique mechanic was the ability to manipulate the battlefield by placing, moving, and destroying obstacles.

So what did we want to address?

As with Silent Knife, this class required no broad changes. They had a number of lopsided level-up choices and had a stretch of levels where card after card was “top loss action, bottom move action”, which was a bit lacking in terms of variety. While they could deal effective melee and ranged damage, because their ranged damage was good enough, they had little reason to lean into the melee side of things, especially given that poor movement and initiative often make being a melee fighter more challenging. Finally, their obstacle theme really only took off after level 4.

So let’s see what changed with the Cragheart in Gloomhaven: Second Edition:

Note: Graphic Design on these cards is incomplete.

  • Effective obstacles sooner - When Gloomhaven: First Edition players think of the Cragheart, one of the first things to jump to mind will be playing around with obstacles. It was a shame to have such a fun and unique mechanic locked behind a higher level, so we added more effective tools sooner for those who want to manipulate the very earth beneath their feet.

  • Better melee support - While melee and ranged attack abilities were balanced against each other in the first edition, that often didn’t account for the added cost of going into melee, especially given that the Cragheart is anything but nimble. We increased the power level and payoff for melee attack abilities to make playing a more melee-oriented Cragheart appropriately rewarding.

We hope you enjoy this slightly more polished stone.


Thanks again to everyone for making this happening, and I'll catch you again tomorrow!




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