New adventures from The Magnus Archives creator Jonathan Sims—plus new lore and new options for GMs and players. With a complete corebook FREE with every pledge, it's a great jumping-on point if you're new to the game!
MythCraft TTRPG Returns: Forge Your Myth, Embark on New Sagas, and Create Epic Adventures in the Ultimate Tabletop Experience!
The next supplement for the Exalted Third Edition tabletop roleplaying game
An experimental Military-grade pharmaceutical known as PK49 has leaked onto the black market. It is rumored to unlock powerful psychokinetic abilities fueling a race against the clock as street gangs and military factions fight to control the supply.
You’re a Student, it’s the 90s, you live in Innsmouth and something dark and terrifying is about to take your life by storm. This is High School Cthulhu, a teen drama role-playing game of cosmic horrors set in the mid-90s.
Ars Magica's deluxe edition with vastly expanded text, new art and graphic design, and luxurious upgrades.
Rule a fantasy city in an urban campaign of intrigue and politics for the Age of Ambition roleplaying game
The Throne of Luster, the first in an epic new fantasy series set within Akeroth, arrives to whisk you away to a world of Light-based Magic & Dragons! You can also join in for a exclusive content, pins, stickers, art prints, RPGs, and more!
Take your Old Gods of Appalachia Roleplaying Game adventures to deeper, creepier, and more atmospheric places with three new supplements plus useful and immersive extras. And if you're new to the game, this is a great place to start!
A new edition of The Expanse Roleplaying Game with expanded rules that focuses on the 30-year span between the novels Babylon’s Ashes and Persepolis Rising. The campaign also includes 3 supplements, dice, accessories, and for the first time, miniatures!
The Storypath Ultra Core Manual is the best possible version of the Storypath tabletop roleplaying system, ready to be used for your own tabletop game sessions.
GEAS is a high fantasy role-playing game designed with a core mechanic that's easy to learn yet offers tremendous flexibility and options and fosters player agency. Best yet, the core rules will be Creative Commons so YOU have control over your creations
At the Gates is the core rulebook for a high fantasy tabletop roleplaying game inspired by Japanese RPG video games.
Play any sub-genre or style of science fiction from gritty cyberpunk to epic planetary romance with this customizable Tabletop RPG Powered by O.G.R.E.S., the same rules as Night Shift: Veterans of the Supernatural Wars and Wasted Lands: The Dreaming Age.
Whether you’re a group of local heroes sent to investigate mysterious goings-on in the nearby haunted wood, or famous mercenaries plotting and scheming in the big city, the MCDM RPG makes building adventures and fighting monsters fun.
Eclipse Phase Character Options: expanded toolbox for players and gamemasters * Complete selection of morphs — your character’s most essential gear * Detailed life path character creation system * Morph Creation Rules * New traits & ware
A tabletop roleplaying game of subterranean fantasy, horror, and exploration.
The realms of Britain after the Romans, a world of Warlords, where heroes are remembered as the Knights of King Arthur.
Trinity Continuum: Aegis is a game of epic adventure and exploration set in Greece’s Iron Age.
The most successful 3rd-party non-fantasy book for 5E Dungeons & Dragons, Ultramodern5 is back with a new exclusive leather edition and SIX campaign guides/adventures.
The Trinity Continuum Player’s Guide is a new rules expansion, taking your Trinity Continuum RPG to the next level!
The Cypher System is about to become your new favorite TTRPG. With a new Starter Set, a DELUXE Cypher System Rulebook, and two striking new genre books, this campaign has something for everyone—new fans and Cypher System veterans alike!
N.K. Jemisin’s multiple Hugo Award-winning Broken Earth Trilogy comes to tabletop RPGs in The Fifth Season Roleplaying Game!
Scion: God brings Scion stories to their latest chapter with all-new rules for players and guidance for Storyguides. This builds on the journey begun in Scion: Origin and Scion: Hero and continued through Scion: Demigod.
Make every encounter, adventure, and even campaign more engaging, memorable, and fun. From legendary D&D designer Monte Cook!