A Secret Chord: An Adventure Zine for The Mothership Sci-Fi Horror RPG
A thrilling three act adventure of cosmic horror for The Mothership Sci-Fi Horror RPG including a crashing ship, a mystery in a colony, and a three-level underground temple. Will you survive the return of Black Emperor as he pierces the veil of reality?
Legacy of Kain Official Encyclopedia and Tabletop Role-Playing Game
Return to the gothic fantasy that defined a genre with Legacy of Kain: The Book of Nosgoth, the official encyclopedia and archive. Then, forge your own path through Nosgoth in Legacy of Kain: Scourge of the Sarafan, a brutal tabletop role-playing game.
Drunkards, Druggies, & Delinquents
Test your brains and bladder in this fun, mind-altering fantasy role-drinking game! This unique game offers immersive yet easy-to-understand gameplay for players of all skill, experience, and sobriety levels, letting you live out your wildest fantasies.
321RPG 5th Anniversary Expanded Rule Book + Encyclopedia Monstergoria
We're launching an Expanded Rule Book with four short adventures and The Encyclopedia Monstergoria, an Attenborough-esque look at the monsters in the world of 321RPG as seen through the eyes of the people who chronicled them.