Project Update: That's a WRAP!
Hi everyone!!
PHEW. We did it! I meant to post an update yesterday but didn't want to inundate folks with even more emails than you were getting, I'm sure!
I just want to take a moment to say a HUGE HUGE THANK YOUUU to everyone who backed & pledged to our campaign! We managed to get to 8k!! I'm so proud of us!
We spent some time last night & today celebrating both Valentine's Day and the big success of Pintopia! Yahoo!!
But lets get down to business.
I think the first thing to address:
While we didn't make it to 9k I will still perhaps be designing the pin. I think we've tried to resurrect this design like twice now. I figure I'll design it, and post it to the Pledge Manager as an un-lockable design for folks interested in the pin. That way you get to see it, if you like it, you add it, if not, it doesn't fund and the item is never charged to your cards! Super simple. It's worked out really well before!
I realised partway through launching that our timeline was never really stated so here's the plan:
PHEW. We did it! I meant to post an update yesterday but didn't want to inundate folks with even more emails than you were getting, I'm sure!
I just want to take a moment to say a HUGE HUGE THANK YOUUU to everyone who backed & pledged to our campaign! We managed to get to 8k!! I'm so proud of us!
We spent some time last night & today celebrating both Valentine's Day and the big success of Pintopia! Yahoo!!
But lets get down to business.
I think the first thing to address:
While we didn't make it to 9k I will still perhaps be designing the pin. I think we've tried to resurrect this design like twice now. I figure I'll design it, and post it to the Pledge Manager as an un-lockable design for folks interested in the pin. That way you get to see it, if you like it, you add it, if not, it doesn't fund and the item is never charged to your cards! Super simple. It's worked out really well before!
I realised partway through launching that our timeline was never really stated so here's the plan:
- BY FEB 28 -- we should have the funds in hand from the campaigns (minus BK's cut) we should (hopefully) have surveys and pre-order stores up and ready for those who missed out!
- 1ST WEEK OF MARCH -- we're charging cards for pre-orders & survey add-ons & shipping and putting in pin orders. We're locking orders at this stage but NOT shipping addresses since we'll be waiting on orders to arrive.
- LAST WEEK OF MARCH -- Pins arrive, inspected (hopefully) everything is all good and we start shipping. This is when Addresses will be Locked.
- APRIL -- we ship!
For each step of the way we'll be posting updates to keep you folks in the loop! We've been pretty streamlined with our pin-projects so there shouldn't be too many issues meeting these deadlines, BUT if anything comes up, you will be the first to know!
From this point on we usually only update once a month unless exciting things are happening, unfortunately there is.... a LOT of waiting at this point.
Otherwise I think that covers everything, if you have any questions feel free to comment or hunt us down on socials. It's a little frustrating there's no DM system on BK but any inquiries you send to BK about our project get sent straight to us if ever there's an issue.
Quick reminder here that if your pledge goes though and you chose to back projects within the allotted time frame, we cannot extend you a refund. This is all-or-nothing on both sides. Please respect that.
We're also a 2 person team fulfilling 2 campaigns (yeah we're a bit nuts) we're generally pretty on top of things and do our best to keep folks happy. Just keep in mind if we're slow to respond we don't mean any harm by it, we're just busy keeping everything running smooth as possible. If we don't respond within a week feel free to follow up and we'll respond ASAP!
Thank you all so much again! I can't wait to make these pins and get them all into your hands ASAP!!
Stay safe out there!