about 1 month ago

Project Update: Survey Reminder and Switching Pledge Levels

Hi backers, happy Monday - I have a quick update for you all. 

Switching Pledge Levels

A few people have mentioned they misunderstood which pins would be available in the survey questions. So I have enabled a new feature that allows you to switch pledge levels in the survey.

There should now be an option to switch your pledge level when filling out your survey, as shown in the example below.

This will open a menu where you can select a different pledge level.

If you over-pledged you will have some credit you can spend on addons or shipping.

As stated on the campaign page I cannot give refunds, I hope this is a somewhat helpful compromise. In the future be sure to read the campaign page and updates thoroughly, and ask questions if anything is unclear.

I have not used this pledge switching feature before so if there are any issues with it, please comment or reach out to Backerkit support.

Survey Reminder and Unlocked Items

Only about 60% of the surveys have been filled out. If you haven't yet filled out your survey, please do so soon. I cannot place the manufacturing orders until a sufficient number of surveys have been filled out. I may extend the survey deadline depending on how things look on August 12.

Now for some fun news! The following items have been unlocked in the survey/preorder store:

We are very close to funding the Icarus Angel pins. And the following designs are about halfway funded:

If there is an item you want to see funded, be sure to share in your communities or with friends! We still have some time before orders are locked to get more items funded.

Finally, I've been thinking about how to give any pin designs that don't get funded, a second chance to be made. I thought perhaps alternate colorways might make them more appealing (if the design's artwork itself is unappealing then there's no fixing that LOL!)

To that end, I've made a discussion post where you can share your ideas for alternate pin colors. You're welcome to share your ideas for the popular designs too but I'll be specifically looking for ideas for the less popular designs. You might see them as preorders in future campaigns. 

That's all for this update, have a wonderful rest of your week.
user avatar image for UltraInfinite




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