4 days ago

Project Update: New Pin Goals and Design Requests

Hello backers, I'm back with new pin goals and design request sketches!

New Pin Stretch Goals

I added eight pins as stretch goals to the campaign. This brings the total number of campaign pins to forty! If these designs are not funded during the campaign, they will be available to fund in the survey/preorder store, so don't worry if we don't reach these goals. Since the pace of new pledges has slowed down I'm not planning to add any more goals after these, but if it picks back up again I'll consider additional goals.

The Ally and Questioning pins will be unlocked at $36K.
  • Ally will be 1.7 inches wide, with gold plating and screenprint.
  • Questioning will be 1.8 inches long, with black nickel plating

The Bigender and Demigender pins will be unlocked at $38K.
  • Bigender will have soft enamel, epoxy, and dyed metal plating. It will be 1.8 inches long.
  • Demigender will be 1.9 inches long with black nickel plating.

The Demiboy and Demigirl pins will be funded at $40K.
  • Demiboy will be 1.45 inches long with black nickel plating.
  • Demigirl will be 1.4 inches long with black nickel plating as well.

At $42K we will fund the alternate Lesbian and Transgender designs as pins.
  • Lesbian (Alternate) will have black nickel plating and be 1.7 inches long.
  • Transgender (Alternate) will have rose gold plating and be 1.8 inches long.

Additional FAQ

I've gotten some repeat questions so I thought I'd share the answers here, these questions have also been added to the campaign FAQ. 
  • Are the guest artist designs available as campaign pins/options in the survey? Yes, the guest artist designs can be selected in the survey. Any pins shown on the campaign page that we have reached the funding goal for, will be available to select.
  • Will the Design Request angels be available to all backers? Yes, these designs are just like all the other designs and are available to all backers. They are available as stickers and keychains, and can be unlocked as pins, patches, and lanyards depending on order quantity in the survey/preorder store.
  • Why can't you ship to Germany and France? I am unable to ship to these countries due to their local packaging laws. If you are located in Germany or France, please read my About Page/FAQ for information about my stockists who can ship to you, or help me find a stockist near you.

Design Requests

I completed another batch of Design Request sketches! A huge thank you to all the backers who sponsored these designs. If you opted to receive credit as a sponsor, you will be credited once I post the final designs. I am planning to polish these up and add shading, etc. to match the other Pride Angels.

If you are a Design Request backer: While the campaign is ongoing I have time for some edits. If you are the sponsor of one of these designs, please resubmit this form with your feedback. Please also let me know if you would like to be mentioned publicly as the sponsor or would prefer to stay anonymous. After the campaign I will reach out to all Design Request backers via email, so don't worry if you miss out on this form, it's completely optional. However, please note that once the campaign ends I will not be accepting feedback for edits, since I will not have time for them while working on post-campaign setup.

Finally, I thought I'd share some process sketches as a bonus. The Pangender design was a little tricky for me, I went through a lot of different options! The final design ended up being the most popular but if you are the sponsor for this design, you can let me know via the form if you prefer a different one.

Here are some discarded ideas for Pangender, Oriented Aroace, and Butch.

That's all for this update. Be sure to share the campaign and your favorite designs if you want to see them funded!




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