6 days ago

Project Update: Design Request Sketches

Hello angel enthusiasts! It's time for another update. We have 20 days until the end of the campaign.

New Pin Stretch Goals

A reminder for all backers to please upvote your favorite designs on this discussion post! Whichever designs get the most "likes" will be added as additional pin stretch goals. We're doing quite well so far in funding our current goals, and I expect a big push at the end of the campaign, so I might add a few more goals before the end.

Design Requests 

Another reminder if you are a Design Request backer: I have an optional request for you to fill out this form and let me know what flag and theme you'd like for your design, so I can get started on them early. Please only fill out this form if you are a Design Request backer, I will be double-checking the names of those who submit the form. 

A big thank you to the Design Request backers who already submitted this form! I have been hard at work on your requests, here are some sketches. I hope you all like these designs.

The Design Requests are not meant to be commissions, but while the campaign is ongoing I have time for some edits. If you are the sponsor of one of these designs, please resubmit the form with your feedback. Please also let me know if you would like to be mentioned publicly as the sponsor or would prefer to stay anonymous, if you didn't mention it in the form already.

After the campaign I will reach out to all Design Request backers via email, so don't worry if you miss out on this form, it's completely optional.

If there's a flag you really want added to the roster, as of this update we have one more Design Request available to pledge for.

Highlighted Poll

Today's highlighted poll is about a common question I get, regarding recolors of these designs. Would you be fine with non-Pride colors, or should they keep Pride colors only? Let us know!

That's all for this update, have a wonderful rest of your day!
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