11 days ago

Project Update: End of Day One, All Goals Funded!

Hey there campaign followers and backers! I have our first campaign update for you, I thought I'd send this out ahead of schedule since the campaign has done so well. This is a long update, so I've broken it into sections, please read it all if you can.

Day One Recap

It’s the end of week one and I’m so happy to share that all current goals have been funded. Keychains have been added to the addons menu. A big thank you to all of you who have shared and supported the campaign!

We have 25 days until the campaign ends. Since we've got so much time left...

Additional Pin Stretch Goals

I am thinking about adding a few more pin stretch goals, mainly for anyone who would want additional pins and also to get the pledge level discount. Please comment on this discussion post with the designs you would want added as stretch goals, or give a "like" to a comment that already suggested that design, and whichever have the most likes will be added.

Additional FAQ

I've gotten some repeat questions so I thought I'd share the answers here if you missed this information, these questions have also been added to the campaign FAQ. 
  • Is shipping flat rate? Yes, shipping is flat rate, and will be charged in the survey. Please see the Shipping section for more details.
  • How can we get pins of the other designs? Those designs will be funded as pins in the post-campaign survey/preorder store, please see the Survey section for more details.
  • Should we pledge for just the campaign pins, or the other designs as well? Please pledge for only the designs available in the campaign, the ones shown on the campaign page. There is no guarantee the additional designs will be funded, so you risk overpaying if you pledge for them too.

How the Survey Works

I also got a question about the survey, I'll share the answer below for those of you who are unfamiliar with it. The survey has two parts.
The first part consists of survey questions: where you answer survey questions depending on your pledge level. In this example I have pledged for one pin and I select it from the available options in the dropdown menu. Only the Pride Angel designs shown on the campaign page will be available from this menu. If I pledged for two pins, I’d answer two questions with a selection, and so on.

The second part is the survey addons: where you can select your addons and purchase additional merch. If you purchase addons during the campaign, you will have credit that you can use to purchase your addons. It is in this section that the other designs will be up for preorder, depending on order quantity.

Cross-Collab Freebie Pins

Don't forget to check out our partnered campaign, Pride Potions. If you pledge to both campaigns you'll receive a pair of cross-collaboration freebie pins.

Highlighted Poll

Finally, I wanted to highlight one of the ongoing polls. It's for if you plan to get only your flags' designs or other designs too. These polls are just for fun and curiosity, feel free to weigh in!

I'll be back with another update soon. Have a great rest of your week!
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