Trenchworx, LLC
4 months ago

Project Update: Mid-May Model Update

Hello All,

We hope you've had a great weekend. We've made some steady progress on the character models over the last couple of weeks as well as some prototypes for fit. We are spending more time on the characters since we want to do those in our traditional resin to really show off the details. Below are screen shots of the characters we've completed. Bill has done an excellent job capturing all of the details and adding a few new ones!

It's hard work serving Queen Bargnot all day and night, but poor Whiney is up to the task!

Toblobb has come along nicely. We added a knapsack to tote his loot as well as a gourd for his water (or goblin hooch depending on his disposition). He also has a few extra pieces of armor and kit to show off his adventuring ways.

Norrica, the Goblin Underboss is directing the warriors and lackeys in defense of the Jagged Edge Hideaway. He has a nice set of armor to show his status in the hideout as well as a fancy new shield he stole from the knight. We left the shield flat so you could paint it as you wish.

Wesley the Goblin Sniper has turned out great. He is mounted on a tree stump just like the MCDM art. We may end up shrinking the ballista arrow he's firing, but then maybe that's just fine as it is!

Paul has been steadily working on Marrowgnaw's howdah. This is modeled as a removable item so you can have Marrowgnaw in lair mode or attack mode depending on your preference. The print fit nicely on her abdomen although she is a little heavy on the back end. We will sort that out next!

Paul started roughing in the first Skitterling! Drawing a possum face is alot harder than one would think!

Bill has started on Morkey the Goblin Assassin. Only two more characters left after him!

Over the next few weeks we should be finishing up the final models. Those include the goblins riding the howdah, the skitterlings, the spider swarm, Morkey the Assassin, Forcan the Curse Spitter and Ulgna the Goblin Spinecleaver (he's last cause he's huge).

We've also been processing some test prints of the models and will show those next time.


The surveys have been sent and over 600 have responded. We are looking to charge shipping on Monday, June 3rd. If you haven't completed yours yet, you have a couple more weeks to do so.

The responses to the open question on what you want have been terrific! We've narrowed down the next project to a few choices as well as some critters we plan to publish direct to website later this year.

We were also really excited to see so many add-ons picked up. We will make sure to include more of the past MCDM models in the next project's pledge manager. This fella has been the most popular!

Groyle Fleshrender

That wraps it up for this week. If you have any questions please be sure to ask. We don't bite!






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