Trenchworx, LLC
3 months ago

Project Update: How to Make a Goblin Body and THE Finished Marrowgnaw Sculpt!

Print to Product

Afternoon All,

Today we will share what it takes to get the siocast parts of a model made.  We have to make about 13,000 of these little buggers and Siocast is the perfect medium for the warriors and lackeys. Siocast is a nylon based plastic material and is very durable and quick to cast.

How do we get to a finished siocast part? Step by Step Guide...

  1. We modify our digital models to fill any voids, holes or spots where a mold might tear out. Normally this is a spot that is hard to paint due to the feature, so it isn't a problem for the modeler.
  2. Next, we print the masters in a resin that can resist the high heat of vulcanization.
  3. Paul cleans the prints and builds a low temperature silicone mold.
    Metal Mold Making
  4. Once we have the metal masters and get them cleaned up we will press them in a mold for our siocast process.
    Mold Making
  5. After we've cooked the mold for an hour at 325F we can start the balancing process.  Each mold has a few variables we can control such as injection speed and time as well as a final compression cycle. After each shot we look for complete fill. If we don't have enough material in a cavity, we make a small cut to make the gate larger. This is a demonstration of the number of shots it takes to get 100% fill out of a mold.
    Shot Log
  6. After the first successful shot Ainsley names the mold and adds some artwork.
    Ainsley gets creative
  7. Job's a good 'un!
    Warrior and Lackey Goblin Sprues
Next Time we will go over the design and print process for the interchangeable heads!

Finish Marrowgnaw and Howdah Sculpt!

Paul worked Marrowgnaw up over the last couple of months and she is a very impressive model suitable for any dungeon or game table! Paul has been printing and modifying other peoples models for 10 years at Trenchworx and had never had an opportunity to make a model from scratch. Not to be daunted by any formidable task, Paul chose Marrowgnaw as his first beast to sculpt! I think you'll agree with me that he has done a fine job!


That wraps up this week's update. We've still got a lot of other updates and manufacturing pics we want to share so stay tuned!


ooh! One last thing... Skitterling Swarm!!!

user avatar image for MCDM Productions




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