The Digital Files have been sent via backerkit and My Mini Factory. You should be able to access these now and have a full weekend(s) of printing!
Digital Rewards in your mailbox now!
We included Full Models of the Queen and the Characters. The lackeys and warriors are all separated bodies and heads. The skitterlings and spiderlings are also included and fun to look at.
We only included the parts of the spider instead of a whole model because she is hugemongus! Marrowgnaw had to be separated into 4 file sections:
Marrowgnaw Supported
Marrowgnaw UnSupported
Howdah and Goblins Supported
Howdah and Goblins UnSupported
Physical Reward Backers
For those of you who don't have a 3D printer, you still might like to see the files and models up close. There is a free 3D Viewer if you use windows or you can download it HERE. This viewer can open the .STL files and you can twist, turn and zoom the model to see Queen Bargnot and other in all their digital glory. You can also google and find other free 3D viewers for your chosen operating system.
When you get your physical rewards, it is always fun to see how close we came to maintaining the fidelity of the models in the mass produced form too. That said, I encourage you to check it out if you have time.
Final Happy Yet Revealed
So.... We were having a meeting and like our meetings always do, they meander through lots of topics. We were talking about doing the full terrain set and other things and one of us had the idea to make a trophy for your players when you conquer the hideout. So wham, bam thank you ma'am (err your highness), Paul cranked out this little wall mount for your game room...
Queen Bargnot Trophy Wall Mount
A small one of these will be in every physical box and is a perfect decoration for your player's local tavern. It also blows up nicely! We intend to make one of these for all the adventures we complete from Where Evil Lives. We will make a full 6-8" tall model available on our website a little later this year. This is perfect for any life sized game room.
That wraps up this update. We are excited to get this digital rewards fulfilled and head toward the physical mailings soon. If you have any questions, be sure to comment or reach out to [email protected].