Therena Carlin
7 months ago

Project Update: Derpy Dragons survey questions answered

Greetings Hoarders,

I just wanted to touch base with you guys about a few questions that have arisen from the surveys. 


Please complete your survey as soon as possible. We're currently at 75% and I would like to get to 85% to order the pins so I know how many we need!
If you lost your survey you can find it here:

If you missed the campaign, the pre-order store is now open as well.

(Only use the pre-order store if you didn't back as it is a separate order)

Stretch goals:

The 3x3 "Shadows are Friends" sticker has officially been unlocked. However, it's not a part of the all-in set of 10 stickers.

We are only 3 backers away from unlocking the exclusive limited edition 2024 pin.

I will be closing this stretch goal as soon as I place the order for the other pins. Which will be either Monday the 5th or next Saturday the 10th (depending when I hear back from my manufacturer as I've had to increase some pins due to popularity ๐Ÿ˜Š). So if you wanted to snag this one, don't wait. 

All-in tiers:

One of the questions I received was about the All-in 10+ tiers.
Since we only "unlocked" 10 pins as a part of the campaign, these tiers will only have 10 pins because we didn't get the next stretch goal (which would have been the 11th pin). 

The 11th design is a custom pin order which was a part of a backer's order, and unfortunately not automatically a part of the tier, eventhough you can choose it as one of the 10 pins if you liked that design. 

I apologize for the confusion this might have caused. And I hope this helps clarify things a little.

Hoodies & t-shirts 

Just a reminder that hoodies and t-shirts will be shipped separately from your other items. In order to save both on shipping and to reduce my carbon footprint, these will be shipped directly from the manufacturer. I do clothes on a print on demand basis because it helps reduce fast fashion waste as well as means that I don't need a hundred boxes of clothes in stock.

Art books & novels:

My Gilded Dragons artbook proof has officially been shipped to me. So I should have some pictures soon. ๐Ÿ˜Š

I have all other books in stock and these should all be ready for shipping when I ship out the derpies. 

As a reminder, my campaigns are the only way to get signed copies of my books (other than in person events), and I have only a few 1st edition copies left of my novels. 

More derpies:

I'm having a lot of fun playing with these derpies, and in a way they have invaded my life. I just made these backpacks and purses for myself, and it occurred to me you guys might like them too. 
I didn't add these as add-ons as I didn't have my samples yet, but they are available on my website. 

Well, I think that is all for now. 
If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to email me at [email protected] 

I will be unable to answer emails between Aug 5-22nd, but will respond as soon as I can upon my return to civilization. 

Have a wonderful summer (or winter if you are south of the equator). 

Yours in art,

user avatar image for Therena Carlin




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