Therena Carlin
1 day ago

Project Update: ๐Ÿ‰The derpies have landed! Or at least most of them ^_^ Important information inside!

Greetings hoarders,

I hope you are having a wonderful day!
I come with good news and some important house lair-keeping today.
The good news is that I am receiving a lot of updates from Canada Post telling me that the post-dragons have been hard at work at delivering your derpies to you! Most of you have either already received your derpies, or will be over the next week or so!

I would love to see those derpies! You can tag me on social media (I will add links and tags at the bottom of this update to make it easier for you to find me!)

Now, sometimes the mail gremlins come out to play and your derpies may arrive in less than steller condition. In the event your derpies arrive damages, please email me photos of the damaged packages and pins to [email protected] so I can take care of you.

If for some reason your derpies don't arrive by the end of November, it could be one of 3 reasons. 1-you never completed the survey! (There are 8 outstanding surveys still!) 2-your card isn't processing on backerkit (There are 5 of you with completed surveys but failed cards) or 3-the post-gremlins yoinked your derpies and they are now having an adventure on some other aprt of the world...

So what can you do?
๐Ÿ‰If you need to complete the survey, you can find it here:

๐Ÿ‰If your payment information isn't processing, please email me at [email protected] - I can either set up a private payment method on my website or a PayPal invoice. Unfortunately, these payment methods will add taxes/fees depending where you live. So it is best to try and sort through Backerkit payment first. But I am happy to help you get your derpies into your hands.

๐Ÿ‰Your derpies have vanished into oblivion or battled with the post-gremlins and look worse for wear - please email me no later than November 30th to claim missing/damaged derpies.

While you wait:

My Haunted Dragons campaign is doing exctremely well, but we need a few more backers to help unlock the final two designs. Do you know someone who loves dragons and Halloween? Then this is the perfect campaign for them! And don't forget the FREE mini pin you can get when you back 3+ Pintober campaigns!

Were you waiting for the adult dragon skull? I am finally happy with the design, and it will unlock at $11,000. Backers have also unlocked the limited edition 3D Dragon lantern pin already! Backing the campaign means you can claim your for the lowest price as you can select it as a pin design as part of your pledge. Once it ends, these will go to the full limited edition 3D pin prices! So, don't miss out!

Halloween not your thing? Fear not, I have started working on the bookish derpies which is coming to Pintopia in January. I am partnering with my son, and together we have co-designed two pins! And you are the first to see the sketches for it as we just finished them this weekend ^_^

His campaign is Mushroom Hunt, and so he drew the mushrooms in the pins, and I did the dragons. Meet Inky and Mushy! They are both pin sets, with a 1.5" Derpy Dragon and a mini 1" Mushroom pin. ย 
I think these two will make amazing additions to the other derpies ^_^
Plus, once I finish the Haunted Dragons campaign, I will focus my attention on creating all the bookish derpies and hopefully share them with you over the next few months!

You can follow both our campaigns here in the meantime:
(Please excuse my placeholder banner for now ๐Ÿ˜…)

I would also like to invite you to a live illustration this weekend where I will either design a new pin or illustrate one of the derpies into its final form!

The livestream will be hosted on my Haunted Dragons Campaign, and if you are one of the first visitors you will help me decide what I should do! You may yet determine the fate of a derpy illustration! It is scheduled for 2PM PST, and I would love to see you there!

I will leave you with my most recently finished derpy dragon illustration, perfect for the spooky season!

Have a most wonderful day! And I can't wait to see you in the comments!

Yours in art,

user avatar image for Therena Carlin




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