Pledge Levels
Back this project by selecting a pledge level
Custom Pin Collector
1 / 10 claimed
Design your own pin! And unlock a design for the campaign.
10 pins ALL IN TIER
16 / 50 claimed
This all in pledge includes 10 pins, or all unlocked designs, whichever is greater!
6 pins
9 Backers
Choose any 6 pins from the unlocked designs after the campaign ends in the pledge manager. Excludes the limited edition 3D pin.
Shipping will be calculated and collected after the campaign through the Pledge Manager
3 Pins
33 Backers
Choose any 3 pins from the unlocked designs after the campaign ends in the pledge manager. Excludes the limited edition 3D pin.
Shipping will be calculated and collected after the campaign through the Pledge Manager
2 Pins
60 Backers
Choose any 2 pins from the unlocked designs after the campaign ends in the pledge manager. Excludes the limited edition 3D pin.
Shipping will be calculated and collected after the campaign through the Pledge Manager
1 Pin
41 Backers
Choose any 1 pin from the unlocked designs after the campaign ends in the pledge manager. Excludes the limited edition 3D pin.
Shipping will be calculated and collected after the campaign through the Pledge Manager