Therena Carlin
2 months ago

Project Update: Derpie Hangover. 11th derpy reveal & sneak peek.

Greetings wonderful weirdlings and derplings.

Does anyone else feel like there's a bit of a derpy hangover? Or is it just me? I keep coming here looking to read all your wonderful comments and poll results... And it's kind of bittersweet knowing it's over...for now.

Well, just because the campaign is over doesn't mean it's the end of the derpies.

For starters, I just finished the Shadows are friends derpie! The custom derpy by one of your amazing fellow backers, Cassirole!

He will join the hoard and be one of the options you can choose from for your pledges. 

Black glitter dragon 😍🥰

If all goes well this area will be stained glass.

I am personally in love with this little guy!

And thrilled to add 11 derpies to the collection. 

All the designs are going through their final approval stage at the manufacturer with finalized tweaks. 

I'll share their mockups in the next post once I send them to the manufacturer. 

Looking at the future of derpies and dragons. 

I won't deny these derpies have stolen the my heart. And I will make more. Looking at the last poll results, I get the idea that you do too.

I'm thinking "Bookish derpies" as part of pintopia next spring, and "derpie dragons volume 2 (life derpies)" at some point. Could be sooner, could be later...

But what about my deliriously dark derpies? Some of them will join the haunted dragons campaign in October. While not initially intended as a derpy campaign, how can I possibly deny these guys?

So, here's one of the first "haunted derpy"

For the haunted campaign the pins won't have the sayings. Just adorable, wonderful dragons of all shapes, sizes and darkness.

Here's some more concepts I'm working on.

I personally love skulls & bones. I don't know why, probably because I grew up surrounded by medical tomes (my dad was a surgeon). But there's a certain appeal to the stark contrasts of white bone and black shadows. So expect many 💀 skulls and dragons in Haunted Dragons. (My campaign did afterall invade the graveyard section of the Pinner's Hollow village for Pintober!)

I'm also making a 3D limited edition pin for that campaign. With stained glass. My most ambitious design yet.

You can follow the campaign here:

Question for all of you 

✨Do you like pins with sayings (like the derpies were), pins without (like my gilded dragons were) or both? 

I want to cater to what you guys love, so vote on the poll to help shape the future of my dragon pins! 

✨And second question, do you like only derpy dragons, or is there interest in other fantasy derpies? (Derpy-corns & Derp-llamas) My children want to know as they are trying to get me to make pins for them 🤣😅.  Maybe derpy dragons vs drama-unicorns 🤔. 

In more relevant news

Most payments have now been processed, but there are a few stragglers. Double check your credit card information to make sure it's up to date to claim your derpies.

Surveys will go out in a week or two where you can select your derpy and any other add-ons you might have bought. I just wanted to share the final 11th derpy here so you can make an informed decision before I send it 😊.

Before I take off, I just wanted to take a moment to thank you for helping bring this campaign to life. You have made it my most successful campaign ever, and I am grateful for each of your support.

I've genuinely enjoyed my time with you, and hope you will stay in contact with me! Because you are my tribe.

✨💕You can follow me on my Patreon.
It's one of the few places I still share my art online. I know there's a way to follow for free, though I have no idea where to find that button. (If someone has insight please let us know in the comments!)💕✨

🐉You can also join my weekly Museletter. While more consistent, it has fewer posts than my Patreon. But it's the best place to know what is going on and when things release. You'd also get a weekly dose of my art. 😊

And, of course I do have multiple other social media accounts. I'm just no longer active on them. But I do check in once in a while. At least on instagram (@therena_carlin) & Cara (@therena). 

So don't stay a stranger. Say hi. Let's geek out over derpies and dragons and fantasy or anything else for that matter.

Have a wonderful weekend.
Yours in art,
5 votes • Final results
Once we hit 75 members, everyone will get a FREE sticker
Goal: 31 / 75
We need 44 more to reach this goal.
Once we hit 500 new members, all backers earn a free sticker & Museletter members a digital wallpaper!
Goal: 15 / 500
We need 485 more to reach this goal.




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