You're a Character

Includes 5 items

  • ×1
  • ×1
    UNRELENTING Audiobook
  • ×1
    Your Name in UNRELENTING Audiobook Acknowledgments
  • ×1
    Meet the Authors Call
  • ×1
    Tuckerization: You're Named as a Character in The Grigori Cycle Books 2 or 3
We’ll Tuckerize you, immortalizing you forever! We’ll name a character in Books 2 or 3 of The Grigori Cycle after you, so all of our readers will know just how awesome you are.

Plus, you’ll receive a voucher to schedule a Meet the Authors private 25-minute video chat with Jessi and Marie. Ask questions about the book, chat about writing, or discover our publishing journey.

Finally, you’ll get the audiobook of Unrelenting with your name in the audiobook acknowledgments, as well as the ebook in PDF, EPub, and .Mobi formats. 

You're a Character


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