UNRELENTING: The Immersive Experience

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    UNRELENTING Audiobook
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    UNRELENTING: The Immersive Experience Box (Secrets + Signed, Personalized Hardback)
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    Meet the Authors Call
A box will arrive on your doorstep. Inside will be a signed and personalized hardcover copy of Unrelenting filled with easter eggs. As you read, you’ll receive secret instructions to interact with sealed envelopes within the box, bringing your reading experience to life with never-before-seen clues that expand the story. 

You’ll also receive a voucher to schedule a Meet the Authors private 25-minute video chat with Jessi and Marie. Ask questions about the book, chat about writing, or discover our publishing journey. 

Finally, you’ll receive the ebook in PDF, EPub, and .Mobi formats. 

Shipping for physical products will be calculated and collected after the campaign through the Pledge Manager.

UNRELENTING: The Immersive Experience


2 Backers