Well met Adventurers!

Conor isn't awake right now to make a fancy graphic but I just wanted to jump in and say thank you all so much for your support!

Our first project Tempest started as a pipe dream at 4am on a discord call post DnD session and it did so much better than we expected but came with so many lessons we were forced to learn. We've come back bigger and better and hit ~50% of Tempests final pledges in the first 12 hours!

This whole job is only made possible by you and for that we are both eternally grateful.

For those of you that don't know me I also thought I'd take a hot sec to introduce myself, I'm Aston and I'll be the one answering questions and sorting distribution when the time for that comes. Right now most of my job involves watching you wonderful people make our dreams come true but if you do have any specific questions or comments feel free to comment here and I'll be keeping an eye or chuck me an email at [email protected]!

Safe travels and fair adventures!





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