Jet McFin
3 months ago

Project Update: The Special Thanks Special Update

Jet McFin has stolen the comms again!

I've locked the cockpit and I've only got a few minutes before "they" break down the door and put me back in the cage, so I'll try to make this quick.

Some of us are American, and around this time of year we Yankees get together with friends and family and celebrate the stuff we're thankful for by eating and drinking a bunch.

A tuxedo with tails is customary American attire on Thanksgiving. This is the dance we do in order to assure the turkey that it is safe among us so that we won't have 6 more weeks of winter.

And on the topic of thanks, and to be very serious, the Azimuth Gang would like to extend a very special thanks to a few crew members who helped especially make this project a success:

First on deck is Reece Carter ("Scarius" on the Mothership Discord), Pirate King and Project Originator. He started this idea with a simple message on Discord that went something like: "Hey, I want to do a 1600s Golden Age of Piracy, but in space. Respond if you're down." Author and contributor to a large number of official and 3rd party Mothership projects, including: Chromatic Transference, Dead in the Water, Orbital Debris, The Hand that Feeds, and more. His work on Mothership is vast, his influence staggering. For Devil's Due, aside from being the project's progenitor, he wrote a large portion of the lore bones and fundamentals, which were later fleshed out by other writers. He worked with the community to create this group-owned project so that everyone who wanted to contribute felt welcomed. Without Reece, this project literally would never have started.

Owen O'Donnell ("Am I Cool Yet?" on the Mothership Discord), a fellow perpetually returning video tapes. Also known as that dude what wrote The Year of the Rat. After Reece's call to make a module, a bunch of us jumped on a voice chat to start hashing out the primordial ooze, Owen among the early founders. He was an influential part of the early lore and general content framework, spitballing many great ideas while yes-and-ing other contributors' ideas. Owen helped move the ball and start building the lore.

Next, SL Perry ("Bunnygum" on the Mothership Discord). Author of the visually pleasing and thoroughly funded QA. Also an early contributor to lore, framework, and general infrastructure of the project. SL Perry reached right down into the guts of the project for Devil's Due management processes. A stalwart beacon and principled writer, SL Perry pushed the project forward well into the writing and development phase and has fingerprints throughout.

If you will indulge me a cliche, last but certainly not least: DN Wilkie ("Anxiety Wizard" on the Mothership Discord). If I could summarize his TTRPG career, it would be: Renaissance Man. Layout, art direction, project management, designing, writing, consulting; name it, AW has done it. He works directly on official Mothership projects as well as 3rd-party products, including: the Mothership 1st Edition boxed set, Dissident Whispers, Rogue Brood, and the Rimwise dispatches. He's also worked on legendary TTRPG products, such as The Stygian Library (a personal favorite of mine). He's been on-scene since the beginning of Mothership and continues to deliver. When he came aboard Devil's Due, he took the project by the horns and laid the foundations of management processes, itemizing priority areas to focus upon in order to ensure project completion. He directed and advised on the technical nitty-gritty of running a project, and provided tools by which the project would be carried through to completion.

These are our comrades and crew members to whom we are eternally thankful. Their work and contributions cannot be overstated.




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