Studio Flimpo
7 months ago

Project Update: WE DID IT!! + Production Update #0

The campaign has ended with a staggering $66,909!! Thanks a flimpillion!!

Our final stream went 5 hours overtime thanks to an incredible backer train, ending at 1:11 AM. We had a big, tired group hug after; we truly can not thank you all enough. Now, the real hard work begins!!

Production Update #0

We'll be posting animation production + merch shipping updates just like this one right here on Backerkit at the beginning of every month.

In addition, we'll continue making weekly updates every Friday on our Patreon- and documenting the whole process in our videos of course!

  • IMPORTANT: If your payment method was declined upon the end of the campaign, you have until Aug 14th to remedy this in your BackerKit account. 
  • Over the next 7-10 days, all payments from backers will be processed. Soon after everything has gone through, we will send out a survey for backers who need to provide shipping info. 
    • Additionally, if your pledge included a shirt, name in the credits, or choice of trading card, you will provide the relevant information (e.g. shirt size, preferred name, etc.) in this survey. 
  • When we've collected all necessary information, we'll place the merch production orders and start packing once we receive everything at the studio. (And yes, that means we will be packing and shipping all orders ourselves, so please be patient!)

Animation production:

  • Our script only needs a few more edits before being locked for voice acting.
  • We have a full thumbnail animatic with temporary audio/VO, and we will begin doing cleaner storyboards starting this month.
  • We only completed enough visual development to fully animate the trailer, so some additional location design/prop work will need to be completed before we start animating. Thankfully, the material we already have covers a lot of ground. 

That's all for updates- so now we can move on to the incredibly sappy part!!!

From the bottom of our hearts, thank you all for getting us here. The outpouring of love for Mandelbrot Hall has been unbelievable in the best way. Your support and enthusiasm for this project are its heart and soul, and we want to give back with the best episode we can possibly make. So once more- thank you, thank you, thank you!

- Milo, Ren, and Reid





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