about 2 months ago

Project Update: Frog update #4 - New stretch goals added!

Ribbits everyone!

These first 48 hours of the Frogtastic Frogs campaign has completely blown me out of my frog pond!
I dreamed to unlock a handful of frogs. To have about 5 or 6 frog unlocked and to start the enamel pin adventure again and reuse the locked frogs for a later campaign.
That said I have now doubled my max goal and can add more fun stuff, all thanks to you frog lovers!

The first new stretch goal I had in mind are board fillers.
Thank you so much for voting on the poll and letting me know to make tadpoles, not leaves! Very clear message about that: not enough tadpoles!!
So the first new stretch goal was set at €6000 to add a set of board fillers (3 tadpoles) to all backers with 3 or more pins. The set can also be purchased later. This stretch goal was met this morning actually, so that's awesome! Uh.. I, uh... need to get to the drawing board and draw them asap, ahaha.

Next up are a new frog designs as extra stretch goals.
Starting at €7000 until €10 000, for each €1000 made, one new frog will be added.
I've been collecting suggestions and I'm still open for them so feel free to add your favourite!
When I've made an selection I'll reach out again with a poll to decide which frog will be unlocked first.

Thank you again so much for this frogtastic event! 
Wishing you a toadally awesome weekend!

One new frog will be added to the frog pond
Goal: €7,000 reached! — We did it! This project reached this goal!
Let's add another one, shall we!
Goal: €8,000 reached! — We did it! This project reached this goal!
Lemme add this frog to the pond too!
Goal: €9,000 reached! — We did it! This project reached this goal!
And with this one we are complete.. for now!
Goal: €10,000 reached! — We did it! This project reached this goal!





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