Storytellers Forge Studios
about 1 month ago

Project Update: Pledge Surveys Coming Soon! Next Cover Reveal!

Hey Everyone! Our progress bar for 2025 continues to fill up, and thus, we have more work to showcase! 

I'll keep it short, simple, and sweet:

With that out of the way! ARTWORK! First, the Mortal Coils Cover!

Next! Some fun banners that we made for 3 out of the 4 novels! (To Slay A God is the last cover we have to finish!)

Special Thanks to C.D. Corrigan for the pretty layouts! Feel free to download them and use them if you wish!

That's probably it for the Feb updates until To Slay A God is finalized, but once that happens, it will be very fast that typeset and publication rolls forth into physical books that end up in your hands! We just need to let artists do the art thing for a bit and then layout handle their stage :)

Thank you guys so much!

STF Team and of course, ALL THE FRIGGIN AUTHORS SAT WAITING FOR PUBLICATION DAY! (I know their pain from being on the other side of the publishing process. Sorry guys...)
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