Project Update: Typeset Review and Update!
Four Horsemen Productions likes making pretty novels on the interiors, and for that to happen they need the cover art to be finalized. We are 3 out of 4 novels fully finished when it comes to cover art, and we are just waiting on the last cover art for To Slay a God.
So what do they look like? At the bottom of this email, you'll find a few pages from the prologue of Mortal Coils.
Duskwalker, Mortal Coils, Black Ballad, Ashlynn's Journal, and Memory Thief are all finished and as soon as we have the last one through the publishing que: Everyone's orders are getting shipped.
As for the metal soundtrack from DiAmorte, it's in the final mixing and mastering stage and to quote the audio group: "This thing is as dense as a neutron star." I know they are close, it's just taking a long time to render each metal track. If the metal soundtrack lags behind, it won't impact shipping so it should generally hit / arrive at the same time the physical books do.
We are still on track to deliver all products BEFORE our predicted May timeline! So...yay! Divination success!
Lastly, for the hardcore book readers that BURN through books faster than anything: 4 Horsemen and Paige Lavoie only have 4 days left on their crowdfunding for the limited edition of "Mothman in Love" trilogy. A monster-romance series dealing with fey, spicy monster stuff, and a cozy life with a cryptid boyfriend. You can check out the last 4 days of that kickstarter by clicking RIGHT HERE.
Hello. I just received the email for the grant... and Spain does not appear in the country drop-down list. Is it not distributed for my country?
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I'm a teensy bit confused but I've gone to start my survey... But I can't see United Kingdom as an option. Hoping that it's just yet to be populated in?
Project Update: Pledge Surveys Coming Soon! Next Cover Reveal!
I'll keep it short, simple, and sweet:
- The Pre-Order Store for Chronicles is closing soon. If you want to grab one of the books prior to it closing, you have 7 days left!
- Festivals of the Forgotten Crowdfunding Starts March 4th! Full TTRPG, Campaign, Players Toys, Dice, Tea, know...all the goodies!
- Smoke Test for Chronicles will be launched this week! Once that's sorted, then we will release the pledge survey's for everyone else. This gets us to collect tax, shipping, handling while the books are in type and layout. We are still on track for books coming out and getting printed in May if not sooner.
- DiAmorte's metal album is in the final stage of engineering BUT they did release this for everyone: (The full Black Ballad Orchestral on their side. This way, if you aren't following them on youtube, you know where to go)
With that out of the way! ARTWORK! First, the Mortal Coils Cover!
Next! Some fun banners that we made for 3 out of the 4 novels! (To Slay A God is the last cover we have to finish!)
Special Thanks to C.D. Corrigan for the pretty layouts! Feel free to download them and use them if you wish!
That's probably it for the Feb updates until To Slay A God is finalized, but once that happens, it will be very fast that typeset and publication rolls forth into physical books that end up in your hands! We just need to let artists do the art thing for a bit and then layout handle their stage :)
Thank you guys so much!
STF Team and of course, ALL THE FRIGGIN AUTHORS SAT WAITING FOR PUBLICATION DAY! (I know their pain from being on the other side of the publishing process. Sorry guys...)
Project Update: Chronicles Update and our next TTRPG: Festivals of the Forgotten! The Dark Carnival!
Project State!
-All Books are fully written and done through Copy Edits. All we are waiting on is cover art to be finalized so then Layout and Typeset can be polished off!
-DiAmorte is polishing off the mix and master on the Black Ballad Metal Album! Their ETA to finish is the end of the month. According to Drake - this is one of the most complex mix and masters they've ever done given the Choir, Orchestra, Band, Lyrics, and all the elements. I've heard some sneak peaks and the new vocals really friggin' fit the vibe.
-Cover Progress! Mortal Coils and Memory Thief are nearing the ends of their drafts, and To Slay A God will soon follow. (Duskwalker is already finished!)
-Pledge Manager for final orders will be run as soon as cover art is finished, so we can ship once books are done with layout! Unlike TTRPG's, typeset and layout will not take as long.
But here is some current cover art progress for Memory Thief!
Now SPEAKING of Stealing Memories!
Announcing our next TTRPG! Festivals of the Forgotten: Revelations of the Dark Carnival
This time, The Eldritch Author and I co-wrote a full TTRPG book that is a healthy blend of new player options, setting, and adventure. Based on the results of the poll for the Black Ballad: Players Handbook and Novels were the two highest picks!
We will be launching soon, and if you are a TTRPG enthusiast with a love of magnificently evil and over the top villainy... sign up on the launch page!
<Click Here to Sign Up and Check it out!>
That said, I'd be remiss if I didn't at least drop the teaser image... (You can also click the image to sign up!)